
Monday, March 06, 2017

_____ Promises Keystone To Be Made Of American Steel But That Was a Lie

Remember when Donald _____ stood on that podium in January and swore that, from now on, it would be “America first and America only”?

Yeah, that was his first lie, given that he said it within minutes of being sworn in.

See, despite _____'s promises, it looks as if the Keystone XL pipeline will be made of steel from somewhere else, anywhere else, but not America. A White House spokestool says that "buy American" rules in _____'s order clearing way for pipelines won't apply to the high-profile Keystone project, which will carry crude oil from Canada to the U.S. Gulf Coast:
"The way that the Executive Order is written is actually ... specific to new pipelines or those that are being repaired. Since [Keystone] is already currently under construction ... it was hard to go back. Everything moving forward would be all under that executive order."
Yeah, so he just shrugged and let it pass, instead of, oh I don’t know, cancelling the contract, buying America using American workers, to boost the economy and create jobs here ... in America.

And while his spokestool says otherwise, _____ has vowed repeatedly that only steel from American steelmakers would be used on Keystone; in fact, he said it as late as last week, when he knew it was a lie.

And _____ even mentioned it prior to his address when he met last week with U.S. Steel CEO Mario Longhi:
"You're going to be doing pipelines now, you know that? We put you heavy into the pipeline business."
That’s a lie.

And he’s still insisting that the steel will come from America, even when he spoke to CPAC:
"This took place while I was getting ready to sign. I said, 'Who makes the pipes for the pipeline?' Well, sir, it comes from all over the world, isn't that wonderful? I said, 'Nope, it comes from the United States or we're not building one.' American steel. If they want a pipeline in the United States, they're going to use pipe that's made in the United States, do we agree?"
Lie; it’s not happening, even though he’s said, and continues to say it, it’s just another lie.

You see, TransCanada already has purchase agreements for the steel pipe it will use on Keystone; half of the pipe will come from the Arkansas plant of India-based steelmaker, Welspun, with ten-percent coming from a Welspun plant in India, and the rest imported from Canada and Italy.

India. Canada. Italy. Not America even though _____ keeps saying it’s American steel only. And what about all those jobs this pipeline is set to create?

TransCanada and _____ seem to suggest that Keystone would “create thousands of well-paying U.S. jobs” but the fact is that most of those jobs are short-term, with just 35 full-time permanent jobs once it’s complete.

Yeah, that’s working for America, the _____ way.


  1. yep, that's our dump: LIE LIE AND LIE!

  2. I don't think he ever pursues a thought past
    its inception.

  3. What a fat turd. I feel better now.

  4. I love this image and would like to use it in future blog posts. Should I credit anyone?

  5. Construction jobs, by definition are short term, what ever those who claim to lead us might say. Near us they are going to build a £50 billion (and rising) railway. It will bring jobs to the region - not likely, the construction workers will come from elsewhere and the train will not stop around here, it's a one-stop express train from London to Birmingham that will get business men to Birmingham 15 minutes faster than they do now! A lot of money to save 10 businessmen per day methinks

  6. @BosGuy
    It was sent t0 me in an email by a friend so I don't know exactly where it came from, or from whom. Use away!


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