
Tuesday, February 14, 2017

The Resistance Continues ...

Not quite three weeks into the _____ Regime and we have our first casualty with Michael Flynn resigning his post as National Security Advisor because he either lied to Vice president Mike Pence about things he may or may not have said to Russian diplomats and ambassadors, or he told the truth to Pence and then Pence lied to We The People.

Either way it’s just another liar in Hair Furors inner circle and the first to go.

But this isn’t about that, it’s about The Resistance and how it continues, and how it’s growing, and how it will work to change this mess we’ve gotten ourselves into by being complacent and thinking this could never happen.

Up in Raleigh, North Carolina, over 80,000 people marched against the _____ administration, and the policies he will try to enact with the GOP-led Congress on immigration, health care, gun control and civil rights.

The Reverend William Barber, president of the North Carolina NAACP branch, and leader of the “Moral Monday” movement:
“A racist and greedy extremism that came to power in North Carolina four years ago now controls the White House and the Congress in D.C. Millions are afraid.  A loud majority is outraged and the whole world is in turmoil asking what can we do. Well, we know we’ve got a hard fight ahead, but we know how to win.”
Resist. Stand up. March. Speak up. Vote.

Barber has called Hair Furor an “extremist, narcissistic con artist” who is “obviously unsuited for the job of president” and said he and others were marching “because it’s wrong to defend and excuse the lies and the fear and the hate of _____ism” that has brought “extreme federal appointees and white nationalists into the White House ...
“It’s wrong and it’s racist and it’s demonic to (instill) fear into our immigrant and our Muslim brothers and sisters. It’s wrong to build a wall to keep Mexicans out while you let the Russians in. Bowing down is not an option. Standing down is not an option. The guy in the White House is a mortal, not a god.”
And he’s got to go, and the more we march and speak out the more the movement grows; but it’s in the voting booth that the resistance turns real.

End the fear and hate that the GOP propagates as they try to serve only themselves and keep everyone else down.


And then, up in St. Paul, Minnesota, about 500 people attended a protest against Planned Parenthood organized by the #ProtestPP Coalition to urge Congress to defund the organization.

Other marches were held around the country but it’s the one in ST. Paul that makes me the happiest because, while these 500 fools marched to defund Planned Parenthood, they were met by a group that was marching in support of the organization ... a group of over 5,000.

Five hundred against; five thousand in support. Strength in numbers y’all.

The Resistance, and the march, goes on ...
Daily Kos


  1. "Resist. Stand up. March. Speak up. Vote." - GET UP, STAND UP, STAND UP FOR YOUR RIGHTS!

  2. On they have chapters all over the country of #resist that meet locally to keep abreast of marches and protests and the like. I've joined my local one and am going to attend the local DNC grassroots meetings. We only have 2 (two) short years to keep our dems in office and hopefully toss out some re-thug-licans.

  3. Brother and SIL were at the gathering on the beach outside SF. They spelled out resist with people and then took a picture from the air. He said he and SIL were in the left hand vertical top of the T. :-)

  4. Landowski, Manafort, and now Flynn, this is exciting, I can't wait to see who _____ sends home next. Who knew that the last season of America would be so suspenseful. . .

  5. What Anne Marie of Philly said!!!

  6. That noise you hear in the background, the one that sounds like a train passing close by? That's the sound of Republicans shaking in their boots.

  7. The sensible inhabitants of the world are with the resisters all the way


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