
Monday, December 05, 2016

Stop Posting Unflattering Pictures of President-elect _____

Last week President-elect Donald _____ met with a group of about 25 television executives and anchors and told them that he wants a “cordial” and “productive” relationship with the media.

But then, as he does _____ went on a tear aimed at one news agency, NBC News, and complained about photos of himself that NBC; photos _____ found unflattering. He especially does not want anyone to use that photo there at the top.

Seriously ... President-elect ____, with all the problems facing the country, his administration, his family, his cabinet, his transition team, took the time to turn to NBC News President Deborah Turness and ask her is the network might just once run a nice picture of him, instead of choosing “this picture of me,” as he made a face with a double chin.

So, I have decided to only post nice picture of _____; trouble is, I can’t find one:

But some nice folks on the web did manage to turn him into an all sorts of #Trumplechins:

And then I found this one ... I think he looks pretty good in this one:


  1. Anonymous11:10 AM

    It's a good thing I haven't had breakfast yet or my keyboard would be a pukey mess right now! Thanks so much for the pictures, Bob! Yum!


  2. Good luck with that, dumald. :-))

  3. Can't wait to share the uglies. Helps relieve a bit of the visceral fear.

  4. Since the days I first heard of him, is there a such thing as a flattering picture of him?????? That fat toad.

  5. He's just mad cuz he looks like Alec Baldwin!

  6. the rump is an ugly ass muthafucka!

  7. Rich as he is and he's worried about how he LOOKS? Well, get it fixed! (And give us all something additional to laugh at!)

  8. When folks say Trumpadoo is thin skinned, they are giving him to much credit. A peeled peach has more skin than him.


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