
Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Signs Of Hope ....

So, like many Americans, I am still flabbergasted by the election last week of _____. I guess there were a lot more bigots and haters and homophobes and Islamophobes and rightwingnuts than I realized who crawled out of the primordial ooze to vote.

But it is what it is—god how I hate that phrase—and so we need not bury our heads any longer and moan and kvetch; we need to mobilize and change the Democratic Party so that this kind of lunacy never happens again. We need to take a stand against this almost instant rise in hate speech and hate crimes around the country spawned by the election.

I mean, schoolchildren chanting to a Latino student that they’re going to build a wall; graffiti sprayed on buildings that says “Black Lives Don’t Matter” and “_____ Nation;” swastikas.

We need to stop shaking our heads at this kind of hate and do something, say something, stand for something. Stop living in fear of what might happen now that the lunatic is in charge ...

Take the example set by a Massachusetts school teacher who is spreading hope one classroom at a time. The teacher posted just six signs in the classroom after the election but they speak volumes, addressing different minorities who may be in the classroom and urging them to stay strong and fight the hate and stay positive.

This is what we need to do; this is our protest. Sure, bitching about President-elect _____ might make you feel better, for a moment, until you realize this is what’s happened to America, but standing up for those who are the targets of the Alt-right movement, the nationalists, the white supremacists, might be the better way to go.

Say something against the hate; stand up to the bullies. Stay positive, stay strong, stay vigilant, and demand that this not be the direction in which we choose to go.

Six signs of hope ... they should be on display everywhere.



  1. Anonymous8:08 PM

    The signs are so simple yet so powerful and moving!

  2. That would be good to see on billboards.

  3. Good teachers are priceless!

  4. Sadly this hate will spread from the US across the world where people like Nigel Farage, Marine le Pen and Putin will seize upon it as an excuse to roll back human rights for everyone

  5. I second helen. this country is full of more knuckle-draggers than I thought possible. ignorance rules; more the pity for us intelligent folk.


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