
Monday, October 03, 2016

The Lady Requests That You Refrain From Taking Her Picture

Ah, Miss Consuelo Roca-Jones. She loves attention, but only on her terms.

When i found her squeezed into half of her cat scratcher I naturally ran for the camera and was able to get one picture taken before she expressed her disdain at the intrusion.


  1. bwhahahaha! you disturbed her "feng shui", so she gave you the cold shoulder!

  2. That she did, AM, that she did!

  3. When my cat Her Royal Highness was alive, I bought her one of those exact same scratchers. She looked at it, sniffed, and never ever deigned to use it. More good money down the drain!

  4. @Debra
    Miss Jones uses it as a throne and nothing else!

  5. That's the fascination of cats - they are totally inscrutable, whereas dogs broadcast their feelings to all and sundry, and that is why they themselves are also fascinating (as well as vulnerable) in a quite different way.


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