
Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Hate Bakers Lose Their Shop

I would shed a tear, but …

Sweet Cakes by Melissa, the Oregon bakery that refused to make a cake for a same-sex wedding in 2013, has announced that it is closing for good.

If you remember, co-owners Aaron and Melissa Klein would not bake a cake for Laurel and Rachel Bowman-Cryer “because [same-sex marriage] goes against their Christian faith.” Well, Rachel and Lauren sued because discrimination based on sexual orientation is illegal in Oregon and in 2015 the Kilns were ordered to pay the two women $135,000 in damages.

The money is being held by the state while the Klein’s appeal.

 Shortly after this story broke, the Klein’s closed their store and began running the business out of their home; the home business has been quiet for many months until the announcement came last week that Sweet Cakes was no more. And now, while the Klein’s and the rightwingnuts will blame this on The Gays and the ALLEGED “War on Religion,” I simply have one thing to say …

Y’all should’a baked the cake … okurrr?


  1. Our paper just endorsed the judge who decided against Arlene's Flowers. :-)

  2. no discrimination - EVER! serve all or GTFO!

  3. I guess those "sweet cakes" left a bitter taste in most people's mouths.

  4. .......and don't let the door hit your asses on the way out!!!!

  5. How sweet it it were.

  6. It's such a simple concept; you own a business, you serve the customers, mumble under your breath about them when you get home if you must, smile while you take their money, and you stay in business. Odd how some people don't get that.

  7. Now what can they possibly do to 'celebrate' their closure? I know - why don't they ba......

  8. @AM is right - no-one should be discriminated against for reasons of health, race etc. Being discriminated against for being a bigot is another matter altogether

  9. Would Christ have baked the cake? I think yup.

  10. I won't shed a tear for them!


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