
Tuesday, September 13, 2016

The Dumb One Is Daddy's Little Liar

The liar doesn’t fall far from the Liar Tree, and in the case of Eric Trump, while falling from the Liar Tree he hit every single branch on the way down and landed in a pile of lies.

Shortly after Hillary Clinton called Donald Trump’s supporters a “basket of deplorables” because, like their idol, they are racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic  —  you name it” Little Liar Eric The Rump took to Twitter — again, just like his Daddy — to share this image of a [t]Rump rally in Florida the night before:

Except … that wasn’t an image from the [t]Rump rally, and it wasn’t even in Florida. 

According to Mark Cuban, who should know …

And the Keith Olbermann piled on as well:

Look, Little Eric is one of two things:

He either knew this picture wasn’t of a [t]Rump Rally and posted it anyway which makes him a liar, or

He didn’t know it wasn’t a [t]Rump Rally and posted it anyway which makes him an idiot.

Like Keith said, just like his Daddy. 


  1. dontcha just wanna punch that ugly face of his over and over and over and...

  2. You know that Longaberger Basket building is for sale - maybe DT can buy it for his followers. I hate to think this but it would have to be bigger...

  3. The poor kid anyhow. Imagine going through life looking like a cross of daddy trump and Mr.Ed.

  4. I don't see any reason he couldn't be both.
    Stupid and a liar.
    His father is.

  5. Am I missing something? I am just surprised at how very little anti-Trump stuff there is out there in the media and yet every mad thing the man says is barmy army stuff. So why are his numbers so high?

  6. If this wasn't so serious, it would be hysterical! However, the idea that the human virus that is Trump could rule our country has me shaking in me boots.

  7. Biki Honko, I'm right there with you. It's like watching a horror film with your hands covering your eyes, peeking out between your fingers and waiting for that moment when something jumps out, and really hoping it doesn't!


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