
Wednesday, May 11, 2016

ISBL Asshat of the Week: Republican Says Rape Has A 'Silver Lining'

Last week the Missouri House of Representatives approved a measure called the Personhood Bill that creates a new constitutional amendment on the state ballot defining unborn fetuses as full “persons,” giving full legal rights to “unborn human children at every stage of biological development.” And so with this new amendment, the termination of an unborn fetus would be considered murder, and making abortions a crime.

Oh, and to make their point even clearer, some forms of birth control and contraceptives will be considered criminal.

A similar bill — the All Lives Matter Act — was also introduced by the Personhood Bill’s sponsor, a Republican, of course, Mike Moon, left, who says he brought up the bill because, wait for it, he’s a “former embryo.”

I think he might still be in an embryonic state, but that’s just me.

Mike Moon is well-known in Missouri for calling a special legislative session to stop “the potential Islamization of Missouri” and for demanding the impeachment of Democratic Governor Jay Nixon because he allowed same sex couples who were married in other states to file joint tax returns Missouri.

But Mike Moon isn’t the only one pushing for the personhood rights of fetuses. He’s joined by fellow Republican, and a woman who appears to believe that men should be allowed to tell her what to do with her body and her healthcare choices, Tila Hubrecht and if you thought Mike Moon was a loon, well, give Tila a try …

During a debate on the Personhood Bill, Tila was asked if she believes that it’s just or compassionate to force a woman who’s been raped to have the child of her attacker, and Tila Hubrecht said:
“Sometimes bad things happen, and they’re horrible things, but sometimes God can give us a silver lining through the birth of a child.”
Yes, ladies, if this bill passes, and if you are raped in Missouri and become pregnant as a result, you can be arrested and tried for murder by having an abortion, because God, well, at least Tila Hubrecht believes a child of rape is a gift from God.

Tila Hubrecht, with a side-eye at Mike Loon Moon. The ISBL Asshat of the Week.


  1. These two folks are up for re-election?

  2. When I see people like these two, I always wonder how many children they have, I mean, if babies are blessings from God she should be popping one out every year shouldn't she?

  3. I suggest that, after tila experiences rape, tell her that there is a silver lining and that she should just shut up and not file charges against her rapist. same applies to mike.

    MORE GOP ASSHATS! the woods are fulla them...

  4. Jesus Christ, how many of these psychos are there?

  5. The more I read the pronouncements of these crazed 'Christians' the harder I find it to avoid the conclusion that God must be a total shit! It's just MUST be so!

  6. A foetus is not a person; it cannot exist outside the womb or being attached to enough equipment to take Neil Armstrong to the moon. But these people don't use logic to test their crazy ideas


  7. This is just stupid, stupid, stupid.

    Does the bill include a clause where women who leave the state to have an abortion would still be able to be tried for murder?


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