
Wednesday, March 16, 2016

There's A Special Place In Hell For People Like Steven Nardizzi and Al Giordano

The Wounded Warriors Project is a good charity, right?

I mean, we send our men and women overseas to fight — sometimes in wars for oil and profit — and when they return to America they are often forgotten, shunned, treated as less than. So, the Wounded Warriors Project is a good charity … right?

All the politicians swear by; even _____ says he gives to the group. In fact, the Wounded Warrior Project [WWP] has raised more than $1 billion dollars in donations since 2003, and more than $300 million in 2014 alone.

They must have helped thousands of veterans … right?

Well the WWP spends 40-50 percent of all its donated funds on “overhead” which works out to over a half billion dollars since they began.

Where does that money go? What’s the overhead? Most veterans’ charities typically spend 10-15 percent of their money on overhead, which includes everything from normal administration to fronting the cash for charity events to get more donations. But, in 2014 alone, when they had raised $300 million for veterans, the WWP spent $26 million dollars on lavish employee “conferences” at pricey resorts.

Helping veterans. But karma is a bitch and sometimes she’s a real bitch; as a result of this extreme misuse of funds, not to mention the exploitation of veterans and the generosity of the American people for their own hard-partying ways, WWP’s former CEO Steven Nardizzi, and its former COO, Al Giordano, have been fired.

Eric Millette, a retired army staff sergeant, worked with the WWP as a motivational speaker until he quit after two years, saying:
“I’ll be damned if you’re gonna take hard-working Americans’ money and drink it and waste it, instead of helping those brave men and women who gave you the freedom to walk the face of this earth.”
In addition, over 40 former employees have reported that spending, by Nardizzi and Giordano, was out of control; some were so afraid of the organization that they only spoke on condition of anonymity for fears of retaliation, but one had this to say about a “meeting” at a luxurious Colorado Springs:
“He [Nardizzi] rappelled down the side of a building. He’s come in on a Segway. He’s come in on a horse.”
Another employee described the same scene:
“It was extremely extravagant. Dinners and alcohol and, just total excess. I mean, it’s what the military calls fraud waste and abuse.”
After being fired, Steven Nardizzi said this:
“If your only fixation is spending the most on programs, that’s feeling good, but not necessarily doing good.”
Huh? What? Shouldn’t the money go toward programs to help veterans and not into bar tabs and luxury hotel room for those at the top? Nardizzi and Giordano spent $500 million dollars on every but veterans programs in 13 years … roughly $105,000 a day.

And for that they should have been fired, and they should be prosecuted … or, maybe they should be sent to a war zone to fight for their very freedoms, and then brought back home and ignored.


  1. OMFG. And all wrapped in the American flag, of course. This sort of thing, sadly, is one reason many people are reluctant to donate to reputable charities, because outfits like this taint everyone's good name. (Somewhat the way hate-filled Christians taint the good name of all believers. For an example, see your post about Tennessee below.)

  2. The other thing that bothers me about these charities - WHY are we, the people, the government, not already taking care of every veteran's needs they show on tv?

  3. Repulsive behavior!

  4. In other words he was practicing Reaganomics.

  5. the wounded vets ought to band together and kick the shit outta these scum!

  6. This is astounding. They SHOULD be prosecuted. How could that have gone on for so many years? Surely they're not the only ones responsible.

  7. What about the people who have oversight of charities; did they not pick up on this flagrant misuse of funds? Or is there no body that ensures that charities do what they are set up to do?


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