
Thursday, March 03, 2016

Random Musings

So, at the Oscars last week Sam Smith won for Best song and onstage he said he’d read Ian McKellen says that no openly gay man  has ever won an Oscar and so he was proud to be the first.

That was a misquote because McKellen meant no openly gay actor has even won an Oscar; there have been openly gay people who took home the gold, like Elton John, Melissa Etheridge, Stephen Sondheim, John Schlesinger, Joel Grey — though he was not out when he won for Cabaret, Bill Condon, Alan Ball, Pedro Almodóvar, Scott Rudin and, the one who was most peeved, Dustin Lance Black.

Black got personal on Twitter and reminded Smith that he had won an Oscar in 2009 and even posted a link to his acceptance speech; he then added a bizarre comment that Smith stop contacting his fiancé, British diver Tom Daley.

Nice Dustin. But then he kept going, talking about his “point” about gay people winning long before Sam Smith and how Sam Smith should … God. Stop it, Black.

Sam Smith misspoke, and when he learned that he was incorrect he apologized. Let it go, unless all you’ve got going for you is your dusty Oscar on a shelf and you want to keep reminding us that you won.

Sheesh. We know!
I love Gotham because it’s very dark and very edgy and not at all like a comic book show. 

But I also admire the fact that they use some very hot men on the show … like Nathan Darrow, who is the new villain, Mr. Freeze.

He’s too hot to cool down. Just sayin’.
South Dakota lawmakers tried to pass a bill that would've forced trans teens to use bathrooms, locker rooms and other facilities based on their gender at birth — see my post HERE. If passed, this bill would have made South Dakota the first state to ban trans teens from using bathrooms based on their gender identity, but …

Governor Dennis Daugaard vetoed it. And asked that the legislature not override his veto.

Hopefully they’ll listen.
Rumors are swirling that the next season of American Horror Story will take place on a cruise ship.

I have a scarier thought …
A client came into my office the other day and because we are semi-acquainted, we chatted for a bit and then he said: “I’m not asking who, but did you vote?”

I said, “Of course!”

A co-worker walked thorough and said, “I ask: who did you vote for?

I said, “Isn’t it clear? I voted for the next President of the United States.”

The client sighed, “I didn’t.”

He’s a Republican. Vote!
Ben Carson is taking a seat tonight and will not be at the GOP Debate, which seems to suggest he’s giving up his campaign.

Perhaps he’ll head to Egypt and put some grain in the pyramids.

Bye Ben. You never had a chance because someone crazier than you came along to spark the Redumblicans.

Donald [t]Rump’s presidential campaign gave press credentials to the white nationalist radio program The Political Cesspool, which then aired an interview with Donald [t]Rump Jr.

This radio program supports anti-Semites, Holocaust deniers, and white supremacists like David Duke and proudly calls itself a “pro-White” program that wishes “to revive the White birthrate above replacement level fertility.” The show is hosted by white nationalist James Edwards, who has claimed that the Martin Luther King Jr. dream is “our nightmare,” “interracial sex is white genocide,” and “slavery is the greatest thing that ever happened to” African-Americans.

That’s Donald [t]Rump and his supporters and if you don’t get out and vote, he just might be the next President and that segues nicely into this …


  1. Anonymous5:32 PM

    a cruise ship? where's the horror reference to that? you know what they SHOULD do?... it should be set in a circus. NO! a freaksh-- wait.

  2. Lance is so handsome but does need to stop talking now. I too have been hearing AHA wiil do a cruise ship and I also heard a ivy league college type atmosphere. A cruise ship could mean nearly naked actors. You know how those stewards and ship pursers can be!!!!! Meanwhile, Trump is worrying me. My gin intake has doubled.

  3. THANK YOU BERNIE! #feeldabern#

  4. Listen - if Black isn't talking about himself, then would he stop existing? One could hope.

  5. I do wish that the Mr Sam Smith would shave that beard off 'cos I'm finding him way too hot, something that's causing me grave concern.

  6. Agree totally about the Dustin Lance Black rant- someone his age should have known better.


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