
Thursday, March 24, 2016

North Carolina Passes Hate Into Law

While all eyes were on Georgia and it’s Okay To Hate The Gays Because Jesus Bill, the Republican-controlled Legislature of North Carolina — in response to one city, Charlotte, passing an anti-LGBT discrimination ordinance — has passed a bill that makes it legal and acceptable to discriminate against LGBT North Carolinians just because you believe the Bible told you so.

The legislation was led by Republican — of course — Speaker Tim Moore who called a special session, at taxpayer expense, for the passage of Hate; the bill voids all local nondiscrimination ordinances, and orders that all public accommodations ordinances, all minimum wage ordinances, and all employment discrimination ordinances come only from the General Assembly — the state lawmakers — making it impossible for individual North Carolina cities to pass anti-discrimination laws of their own.

The vote passed the House 83-25, and was sent to the Senate, who took up the debate almost at once — lest, you know, a trans person have to pee — and right in the middle of the “discussion” North Carolina Democratic Senators walked out of the room because the GOP refused to listen to their side, refused to compromise, refused to discuss the issue; with no Democrats voting, it passed unanimously.

The bill was instantly sent to Republican — of course — Governor Pat McCrory’s desk where, late last night, he signed Hate into law.

But this is nothing unexpected, because from the moment Charlotte passed its anti-LGBT discrimination ordinance, McCrory demanded the full House pass a bill banning that ruling. His Hounds from Hell — Lt. Gov. and Senate President Dan Forest, Senate President pro tempore Phil Berger, and House Speaker Tim Moore … all Republicans of course — drafted the extremist legislation and pushed it through the legislature. Lawmakers were given five minutes to review the bill before debate began.

McCrory, right, said his reason behind signing Hate into law so quickly was to remove any question s and take the spotlight off his Hate State.

Good luck with that, Governor, because when businesses pull out of North Carolina, and sporting events avoid your state like the plague, and movie companies refuse to do business will you, and the state starts to lose a whole boat-load of cash, we’ll remember who is responsible.

Now, for some good news …

Lambda Legal, the American Civil Liberties Union, the ACLU of North Carolina, and Equality North Carolina have all announced that they are exploring challenges to the discriminatory law:
“Today was a devastating day for LGBT North Carolinians and particularly our transgender community members who have been subjected to months of distorted rhetoric culminating in today’s display of bias and ignorance by North Carolina lawmakers. We are disappointed that Governor McCrory did not do right by North Carolina’s families, communities, and businesses by vetoing this horribly discriminatory bill, but this will not be the last word.” — Chris Brook, Legal Director of the ACLU of North Carolina.
And, naturally, we need a grassroots movement against the state, from regular folks; those of you who live in North Carolina can start by voting Blue, seeing that is was all, and only, Democrats who opposed this bill; you can vote out your GOP legislators who used your tax dollars to rush Hate into law; you can wait for Governor McCrory to come up for reelection and vote him out.

For those of you who don’t live in the state, maybe avoiding it is the answer; maybe take your vacation dollars elsewhere. And for big businesses who value all their employees, including their LGBT staff, maybe you ought to think about relocating; maybe you should take your businesses, your conferences, your meetings, your sporting events, out of North Carolina and into any state that doesn’t pass bills making it okay to Hate.

Teach North Carolina a lesson.
NC Governor To Sign Hate Bill
ACLU Flor North Carolina


  1. Unfortunately, the voting for this bill in the house included several "democrats". It seems the only true Dems in this state were in the Senate.

  2. Hmmm, Top Chef is filming in South Carolina, Charleston. North Carolina you would not even be considered. There will be consequences.


  4. Money does seem to be the only thing these people understand.

  5. It never ceases to amaze me of the Stupidity of State Legislators in any State......

  6. Appalling. North Carolina may never get to the 18 th century at this rate. I feel for any minority there.

  7. If they hadn't reached the pits already they sure have now!

  8. I really don't understand what drives these people; it certainly isn't from anything that Jesus taught.

  9. I met with a client yesterday who is planning her retirement. We will be selling her condo in San Diego. Her plans are to move to the Carolinas and is considering a couple locations in NC. She says its so cheap to live there. I can think of some reasons it's cheap to live there.


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