
Monday, January 04, 2016

Will Ethan and Tonya Couch Have 'Mommy and Me' Time In Prison?

Y’all remember Ethan Couch, the drunken poor little spoiled boy who murdered four innocent people in Texas — and maimed and paralyzed two of his friends in the process — but received no jail time, only probation, because the judge agreed with defense attorneys that Little Ethan was ‘too spoiled’ to know that murdering people by driving drunk was wrong.

I know. Texas. Anyway, you also no doubt also know that Little Ethan and his enabling mother, Tonya, who couldn’t be bothered to raise her own child to be a responsible member of society, fled the state of Texas together after a video surfaced of Ethan partying with his friends.

Well, Mommy and Clyde, er, Ethan and Tonya, were detained last week near the popular Mexican resort of Puerto Vallarta, and now Ethan Couch is expected to be turned over to the U.S. Marshals Service, and then to the authorities in Tarrant County, Texas, for allegedly violating probation by leaving the state, as well as missing a mandatory probation meeting and another potential violation stemming from that video showing him at that booze-fueled party.

District Attorney Sharen Wilson says it "certainly looks like [Couch]" in the video, but added that without further investigation, the video alone did not prove he violated his probation; but she does want to move Couch’s case to adult court to prevent another slap on the wrist.

If Ethan Couch stays in the juvenile system, his punishment for violating probation for murdering four people might be as light as four months in jail, but if the juvenile judge elects to move the case to the adult system, his 10-year probation sentence would restart, meaning, one more mistake and it’s serious jail time.

And, better still, is that Texas prosecutors say they will also charge Couch’s mother with helping her son flee, and will charge her with “hindering apprehension” which carries a sentence of one to 10 years in prison.

Yes, she might actually do more jail time than her son the murderer, unless Texas finally does the right thing and puts the two of them in adjoining cells for the next decade.
Houston Chronicle


  1. Makes me want to pull my hair out! To call Tonya a "mother" is an insult to mothers and to refer to the judge who gave the punk probation because of his apparent "affluenza" is an insult to real judges.

  2. Always surprised this happened in Texas. But factor in the money and it kind of makes sense.

  3. Walton Monticello10:21 PM

    Since Norman Bates and his Mother like Mexico so much they should just stay down there and their case should be turned over to Mexico. If his punishment will indeed be only 120 days then he should serve his time in sunny Puerto Vallarta. I bet 4 months in a Mexican prison would cure his affluenza!

  4. Sadly Couch money has retained a Mexican lawyer only too happy to keep poor little Ethan from his just desserts.


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