
Friday, January 22, 2016

Today In Stoopid ....

So, this sign popped up outside the Logan Farms Honey Glazed Hams and people went apesh*t crazy but …

Brown & Gay isn't about brown-skinned people or them "homosexticals," it’s actually the name of a local engineering firm whose employees frequent Logan Farms.

But that didn’t stop the complaints from rolling in.



  1. Omg. One of those things that should probably be said out loud before signing.

  2. people need to grow a pair and STFU! TX douchebags!

  3. Locally people probably know that.
    How about 'Employees of Brown and Gay get half price lunch this week.'
    As an infant copywriter waaaay back in the day, late 70s, I used to write advertising copy for the Gay Blade, a men's clothing store.

  4. Anonymous4:59 PM

    Perhaps it should've been phrase differently haha.. but I'm not surprised folks got bent out of shape about it *eye roll*

  5. I'd assume that just about all the spluttering rage came from white, 'straight' complainants that they were being discriminated against. Well, of course, we all know that they themselves would never dream of discriminating against others, would they? Oh NOOOOOOO!!!

  6. Well, not very well thought out! That sign would either offend "browns" and "gays" or it would offend racists and homophobes. Someone probably should have given the wording more thought, but I'm all for offending racists and homophobes.


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