
Tuesday, January 05, 2016

Today In Stoopid

So, Donald [t]Rump, racist, bigot, hater, moron, released his first Hate Ad — for which he paid some $2 million — that ALLEGEDLY shows thousands of illegal immigrants streaming across the Mexican border into this country.

Trouble is, the video used in the ad is from a news channel, RepubblicaTV, and shows thousands of Moroccans trying to enter the Spanish enclave of Melilla in 2014.

Yup, another lie by Donald [t]Rump. But then he knew it was a lie because, before he used the footage in his ad, he had the RepubblicaTV time-stamp and logo cropped out of the upper left corner.


  1. and yet the gullible will believe...

  2. This will end up being shared all over Facebook and people will rant about it...sigh...

  3. I heard a) it was used to *illustrate* the problem...
    b) it was a honest mistake...
    c) an intern will be hung out to dry.

  4. lies and the lying liars that tell them...

  5. I just don't understand how he can get away with this legally. It's driving me nut!


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