
Friday, January 29, 2016

This Man Wants To Be President: Chris Christie

I didn’t watch the GOP debate last night because … GOP; duh. But this morning I saw this: Chris Christie giving one of the most bizarre answers ever … or perhaps the most bizarre non-answer.

Chris Wallace, the moderator, brought up that tired Kim Davis — marking the one time that the LGBT community was mentioned at all because … GOP … duh — when he asked Christie this question:
“Gentlemen, we had a case study on religious liberty just this last summer. A county clerk in Kentucky named Kim Davis refused to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples after the Supreme Court ruling, saying that it violated her religious beliefs. Governor Christie, you said that she must follow the law or be moved to another job that would be in keeping with her conscience. But some conservatives say that that violates her religious liberty.”
Now, Christie could have gone two ways: he could have come down on the side of the law, which is where he should have, or he could have come down on the side of so-called religious freedoms ALLEGEDLY being trampled upon, But Chris Christie took a third approach and said this:
“You know, we all have our own individual interpretations of our faith. And here’s the problem with what’s going on around the world. The radical Islamic jihadists, what they want to do is impose their faith upon each and every one of us — every one of us. And the reason why this war against them is so important is that very basis of religious liberty. They want everyone in this country to follow their religious beliefs the way they do. They do not want us to exercise religious liberty. That’s why as commander in chief, I will take on ISIS, not only because it keeps us safe, but because it allows us to absolutely conduct our religious affairs the way we find in our heart and in our souls. As a Catholic, that’s what I want to do. And no matter what your faith is, that’s what I want you to be able to do.”
Yes, the question was about Kim Davis and religious freedom or following the awl of the land and Chris Christie said, “ISIS.”

And he wants to be president but he can’t even answer a simple question. Like, when Wallace asked what he had for lunch and Christie replied:
“As commander-in-chef, I will take on ISIS, not only because it keeps us safe, and sated, but because we should be able to exercise our freedom of food. No matter what your food choice, I want you to be able to do.”
Or when Wallace asked where he bought his suits and Christie said:
“As shopper in chief, I will take on ISIS, not only because it keeps us looking good, but because it allows us to absolutely conduct our shopping trips the way we find in our heart and in our souls. And no matter what your fashion choice, that’s what I want you to be able to do.”
Okay, maybe those last two weren’t real questions and answers but they might as well have been since the question about having a county clerk do the job for which she was elected was answered with “Kill ISIS.”

h/t Towleroad


  1. Did not watch it either but, wow, that is some non-answer!

  2. I assume he was saying that Ms. Davis is like ISIS in that she was trying to impose her religious beliefs on the rest of us. Right? No, wait, that doesn't make sense. So he meant uh ... Catholics are like ISIS because ... no, wait ... uh ... Shoes?

  3. I watched the debate, it was the only comedy I could find on TV and I've watched all the episodes of The Office twice. 57% of the people of New Jersey want him to resign as governor...Not a good sign of trust!

  4. And why he also stated he would cut all funding to Planned Parenthood.

  5. the only thing krispy kreme knows how to do - EAT!

  6. And politicians wonder why the public doesn't trust them; not answering the questions as asked must be one of the major reasons and of course Christie is a world class liar. Is there an Olympic medal for that?

  7. Sorry to not be able to see the debate from here as it happened. No I'm not.

    I wish there were a buzzer when these idiots refuse [always] to answer the questions they've been asked.

    BUZZZZZ!!! WRONG!!! Try again!


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