
Thursday, January 07, 2016

Can I Get An Amen: Hate Bakers Pay Their Fine

Well, well, well …

Aaron and Melissa Klein, the owners of Sweet Cakes by Melissa in Gresham, Oregon, who were sued nearly three years ago by Rachel and Laurel Bowman-Cryer, a same-sex couple, because they refused to bake a cake — keep in mind, their business is baking cakes — for the couple’s wedding, and were then sued by the couple and found guilty of discrimination by the state of Oregon and fined $137,000 have finally written that check.

The Kleins bitched and moaned and kvetched and cried baby Jeebus until someone created a GoFundMe page, or some kinda money-grabbing page, upon which they pocketed nearly half a million Hate Dollars.

And so now, after riding the wave of anti-LGBT hatred masking itself as religious freedom, because, apparently, for some of these morons, their ALLEGED faith trumps the laws of the land, they have paid their fines … but, the check will be held by the state until the Klein's appeal on the matter is resolved.

Here’s how it’s resolved: you own a business, you cater to the public … all of the public.

Or, pay $137,000 in damages. That’s a whole lotta Hate Cakes, right?


  1. Oregon sure has been in the news lately.
    Let's hope these kinds of stories are on the
    decline. (Except Alabama!)

  2. I remember when I first started tending bar my boss told me to keep my personal opinions on what people ordered to myself. Don't like a Long Island? So what! Make the drink. I wasn't being paid to express my personal opinion & neither are bigoted bakers or bible-thumping pharmacists.

  3. Amen! I may not have this correct, but my understanding is the bigoted bakers managed to rake in $100,000 from a GoFundMe campaign before the campaign was shut down by GoFundMe. I wonder if there was any financial hardship as a result of the fine. But I hope there's a significant drop in their business as a result. What I REALLY hope for is enlightenment for the Kleins, but that may be too much to ask.


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