
Wednesday, December 02, 2015

To The GOP Presidential Hopefuls ....

After the mass shooting San Bernardino today ... mere days after the last mass shooting in this country ... that saw at least 14 people dead and many more injured, nearly every single GOP presidential candidate offered their solution to the problem: prayer.

That will not solve the gun problem in this country.
PS Marco Rubio has yet to say one word about the shooting because,. to him, these kinds of terrorist attacks are, as he says, "part of God's plan."

I'll pray .... I'll pray that none of these pandering lying hypocritical asshats is elected to the presidency because all they'll do as we lay dead and dying in the streets is to offer a prayer.

Excuse my French ... as my Mom would have said ... but the GOP can just Fuck off.


  1. Yes. Exactly right.

  2. Yeah, I found that quite amusing, that all of them should sound so vaguely unpresidential.

  3. My sister-in-law and I were talking about this shooting this morning and we are unable to understand who the GOP can stay in thrall to the NRA in view of the unending massacres happening in the US. Prayers don't stop these madmen.

  4. With all due respect to the beliefs of the candidates, on this score I believe the Dalai Lama is correct: God is not the cause of this problem, people are. We people need to cease asking that God stop it and accept our responsibility to stop it.

  5. Amen to that! That's as much of a prayer as they'll get from me. I am a strong believer in the Church of Bob.

  6. Awful day yesterday.
    (Church of Bob - gave me a chance to smile - thank you for that :-)

  7. When I was a little kid, being taught by nuns, every so often the question would be asked "Why does God allow bad things to happen?" The answer we always got was "Ah, that's a mystery!" Being mere children, we accepted that explanation and it closed down the subject.
    Since growing up that answer is just not good enough. Pity that there are adults around in influential positions who still hold to the same balderdash - and despite the lack of evidence, continue to believe that God is responsive to prayer (just like He acted, of course, when bombarded with millions on millions of prayers from all quarters, even full masses, imploring him to stop equal marriage). So why did he NOT act to prevent that happening, as well as this latest and continuing string of shooting atrocities? Now THAT is the real mystery!


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