
Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Twitter Smackdown: Annise Parker 1, Texan 4 Liberty 0

Anise Parker, Houston’s openly gay mayor, shoots from the hip and takes no prisoners, which is refreshing for a politician these days. And right after her fellow citizens of Houston voted for discrimination against LGBT people — using fear as a weapon, of course — one Twitterer decided to mock Parker … 

But Mayor Parker wasn’t playing …

And neither were other Twitterers …

Anise Parker for the Win!


  1. really!!!

    update on arlene's. she is (now) saying that she
    would have supplied flowers for the men's wedding *if*
    they were just flowers. But she refused to use her artist
    talents, like she had many times before for the men, because
    it was a same sex wedding.
    the title of the piece is 'why a friend is suing me'

  2. Aw, I love her, too. And at the moment I even love (well... don't mind) Twitter.

  3. How do you not love anyone with the name Anise?

  4. Hate of LGBT folks hidden in the cloak of transphobia.


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