
Monday, November 30, 2015

Texas Man Bullies Muslims Inside A Mosque ... Where's The Outrage?

And … cue the chorus … because I’ll keep singing it …

Muslims aren’t terrorists, terrorists are terrorists.

And the wingnuts who’ve been fanning the flames that Muslims are terrorists now have some ‘splaining to do — though I think they’ll stay silent ion this one — after what happened in San Antonio, Texas last week.

A man — identified as 38-year-old Mariano Talavera — in army fatigues and waving an American flag entered the Islamic Center of San Antonio where members were praying, and began wiping his boots on their prayer rugs because … Muslim.

The worshippers tried to calm Talavera down, even asking him politely to remove his boots as a sign of respect; Muslims remove their shoes before entering a mosque to symbolize a "clean space" in which to worship. 

But Talavera responded by walking deeper into the mosque and into a prayer room reserved for women so he could wipe his boots on every mat he saw while yelling obscenities and cursing Islam.  

The police, who arrived after mosque members called them, asked Talavera why he was there, he said he’d come to worship. The police, rightly so, arrested him on a criminal trespass charge, confiscated his backpack, and removed him from the mosque.

Good. Lock him up, except … Solomon Hamide, president of the Islamic Center of San Antonio, says the mosque will not press charges because they fear additional backlash if there were to do so.

How is that American where a man can walk in to a place of worship and deface it and then, out of fear of reprisals, the mosque won’t press charges? Who is the actual purveyor of terror here?

Happily enough, not everyone in San Antonio shares the views and the lunacy of Mariano Talavera. Hamide said the Islamic Center has received many phone calls from the public offering their support, and he expressed his gratitude to them, especially a woman called Linda who invited members of the Islamic Center to her home for Thanksgiving. 

Oh the fury that people in this country would feel if a Muslim man walked into a Christian church and disrupted a prayer service and defaced any part of the church.

So I’ll keep singing …

Muslims aren’t terrorists, terrorists are terrorists.


  1. howsabout we all poop on the white guy?

  2. @AM
    I'm likin' your style!

  3. Morons seem to be breeding at a abnormal rate these days. Seems to me we have an over abundance.

  4. well, I think the gentleman in question is Hispanic...

  5. A few days ago, a group of rednecks were parading around a mosque brandishing firearms holding signs saying that they were the "cure for Muslim terrorism" or some such. I assume this is the kind of backlash that they have every reason to fear.

  6. Things are only going to get worse as the bombing in Syria intensifies and radicalises even more young men with no futures.

  7. Thanks for continually singing this song. I am, too. I guess Mariano Talavera doesn't realise there are OTHER idiots in America who don't think HE belongs either!?! No matter what he does, I will not start hating everyone named Mariano!


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