
Wednesday, October 21, 2015

The Daily Hypocrite: Marco Rubio

What’s that old saying … Do as I say, not as I do? It oughta be Marco Rubio’s mantra because, apparently, that man who wants to be president recently returned to Congress from the campaign trail to try and pass a bill to crack down on federal employees who fail to do their jobs.

Do as I say …
"This should actually be the rule in the entire government. If you're not doing your job, you should be fired."
Marco Rubio, whilst running for the highest office in the land has missed roughly thirty percent of his Senate votes this year.

Not as I do …

Rubio has skipped more votes than any of the other senators competing for the GOP nomination — Ted Cruz of Texas, Rand Paul, Miss Lindsey Graham — and they have all made it an issue in the campaign, as have the Democrats.
"Pro tip from Marco Rubio to Marco Rubio: If you don't do your job, you should be fired." — Christina Freundlich, spokeswoman for the Democratic National Committee
Marco Rubio passed on that vote to defund Planned Parenthood last month because he was at a retirement community in Florida asking for people to make him President; he berated the Obama administration for not doing more to free Americans held in Iran, and then skipped voting on a Senate resolution demanding the Americans' release and went to a fundraiser instead.

Knowing he is looking less presidential and more hypocritical, Rubio says he hasn’t missed any votes where his vote might matter; he says nothing can be done in Washington until the GOP takes the White House so it appears he’s going to do nothing.

Do as I say …
"It isn't fair … that there are people on the payroll taking up seats, taking up slots, taking up money and taking up time that aren't doing their jobs and they literally cannot be fired."
Not as I do …

Marc Rubio. Not doing, just sayin’.


  1. and the election is still a year away!

  2. @TDM
    So I'm guessing he won't do his job until then??????

  3. Sadly, the job many elected officials think they have to do is get re-elected or get elected to higher office. Public service is not in the cards. In terms of the Peter Principle, I think most have reached their level of incompetence.

  4. there should be a rule that requires them to all vote-- all of the time.

  5. there should be a rule that requires them to all vote-- all of the time.

  6. Politicians should not get paid unless they attend sessions and vote. Members of the House of Lords (an anachronism in this day and age) get paid by the day; if they turn up they get paid, if they don't they don't. Shame the members of the House of Commons and your two houses don't have a similar system.

  7. Here's what I don't get about House / Congress / Presidential races (or local). Why am I paying for them to go out and job interview? That's basically what it is. When I'm looking for a new job, no one is paying me to do it.


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