
Wednesday, September 16, 2015

It's My Blog And I'll Tuxedo If I Want To .....

Okay, so this is mainly a filler post as Carlos and I are out of town, visiting Raleigh, North Carolina, and attending a Mexican Independence Celebration at the Contemporary Art Museum [CAM] hosted by the Mexican Consulate and the Consul General.

That's a long-winded way of saying Carlos was invited to a shindig and I was "and Guest."

So, you'll get Tuxedo, sleeping on a high shelf n the closet next to a stuffed rabbit someone gave the cats as a gift, and one they promptly chewed the ears off and destroyed.

I guess now it's just a Cat Pillow?

Anyway, I'll be back live[?] tomorrow. Stay tuned.


  1. I loves kitty posts. Only kitty contact I
    can get unless CAT!CAT!CAT! visits.
    Have a good time :-)

  2. Yes, kitties always find a place to cuddle!

  3. Maybe not "destroyed" so much as reworked to their liking. :) That is one relaxed kittie. :-)

  4. So what's the problem?

  5. When Tux wants company, by golly he'll take it! - Never mind if it's inanimate!


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