
Sunday, August 02, 2015

The Funny Papers

Walt Handelsman, Horsey, Clay Bennett, Randy Bish, Mike Lucovich, Walt Handelsman, Bill Day, Darrin Bell, Lowe


  1. sadly, Anne Marie is right.

  2. Steve6:11 PM

    Sea levels are actually NOT rising to any material degree. There is more sea ice in Antarctica than at any time since the satellite record began. Etc. When will you admit that anthropomorphic global warming is a hoax? In ten years when Manhattan is still above AMSL? Twenty years? Thirty?

  3. @Steve
    Thanks for the update from Fox News and the GOP Congressional Scientists.

  4. Steve6:50 PM

    Nothing I said came from the sources you cited. Look at the NSDIC site, run by the Obama administration, which reports sea ice changes (both Arctic and Antarctic) on a daily basis. Actually I should have specified that the record was reached last September. As of now, Antarctic sea ice is still above the average for modern times, but not quite at a record high for this time of year.

    Also, regarding Gore's alarmism about sea level rises, see Larry Bell's column in Forbes --

    Notably, Gore predicted, on the Today Show in 2006, that Manahattan would be under "deep water" by 2021. In fact, the rise in mean sea level since 2006 has been negligible.

    Devotion to the phoniness that is AGW diminishes your credibility on everything else.

  5. Oops. Struck a nerve. Sorry Steve, you're right and every single other person on the plant, save the rightwing and the rightwingnuts, is wrong.
    My bad.


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