
Friday, August 28, 2015

I Didn't Say It ...

Cheyenne Jackson, [left] on his American Horror Story: Hotel co-star, Matt Bomer [right]:

“No matter if you’re a man, woman, cat, hamster, you will get lost in Matt Bomer’s eyes. Channing is right. Matt looks like he’s carved out of cream cheese. He’s just so perfect and smooth and gorgeous. We were in hair and makeup one time, sitting side by side, and I was like, “Are you kidding me with that face?”

Yer preachin' to the choir, Cheyenne, and you ain't so bad yourself!

Bryan Fischer, American Family Association anti-LGBT bigot, claiming to have been born that way:

“I think, actually, that’s a good argument. The way I am, I was born this way. And you know, you think about it…who would choose, at this time in our nation’s history, to be a Christian? You’re ridiculed. You’re mocked. You’re made fun of. You get fired … I mean, who would choose a lifestyle where you are the unending subject of ridicule, mockery, and contempt by liberals in society, by elites, by professors, on the media, by politicians? Who’s going to choose that? So our defense is, hey, I was born that way.”

Funny, what he's describing--being fired--is not legal for Christians, but in many states is perfectly legal to do to gay folks.

Donald [t]Rump, on the ALLEGED War on Christmas:

“I’m a big believer in the Bible. And you know when I see really beyond liberty there’s an assault on anything having to do with Christianity. They don’t want to use the word ‘Christmas’ anymore – department stores. There’s always lawsuits and unfortunately a lot of those lawsuits are won by the other side. I will assault that. I will go so strongly against so many of the things when they take away the word Christmas…Absolutely there’s an assault on Christianity and we’re gonna reverse that big league.”

Um, first off, Don, recite your very favorite Bible passage and tell us what it means to you
Um, then perhaps you could tell us your "plan" for reversing the War on Christmas ... or is it Christianity.

Ronnie Floyd, head of the Southern Baptist Convention, throwing shade at Josh Duggar's wife in a sly reference to Josh's adultery: 

“Adultery, being sexually or emotionally unfaithful to your spouse, that’s wrong. Some of you are on the other end of someone else destruction. And that enemy is going to take your spouse away from you. Both men and woman have their sexual needs met by someone, somewhere, somehow.”

So, cheating is okay if your spouse isn't putting out? Hell, ain't that Christian!

Ben Shapiro, on Josh Duggar's epic fall:

“The war on hypocrites isn’t a war on sin: it’s a war on standards. Josh Duggar may be an evil human being, but his evil springs not from the standards he attempted to preach, but from his failure to meet those standards. … Josh Duggar deserves to pay for his sins, and pay richly. He’s vile. But those who fight against basic standards of morality don’t have any moral authority to act as the agents of that judgment. For such jackals to play at such judgment smacks of the same hypocrisy they condemn.” 

Actually, his evil springs from both he and his family holding themselves up to be the moral compass of society while hiding their dirty little secrets and denigrating anyone who isn’t a Christen, or, god forbid, is gay.


  1. Just ask them to get Christmas out of Advent.

  2. Isn't Trump Santa Claus? He's Batman too.

  3. "Yer preachin' to the choir, Cheyenne, and you ain't so bad yourself!" - RAMEN, bob!

    "Funny, what he's describing--being fired--is not legal for Christians, but in many states is perfectly legal to do to gay folks." - like here in PA, for one. STFU, bryan, you shitbag o h8!

    (t)Rump reminds me of sarah palin - he speaks in word salads, saying nothing.

    "a sly reference to Josh's adultery" - riiiiiiight, cause it's the wife's fault (always). why do they h8 women so much?

    "Actually, his evil springs from both he and his family holding themselves up to be the moral compass of society while hiding their dirty little secrets and denigrating anyone who isn’t a Christian, or is gay." - RAMEN, bro! the duggars need to be touched by her sacred being, the flying spaghetti monster (bless her noodley appendages!)!

  4. I agree w Channing Tatum calling Bomer 'cream cheese'. He's very white, mild and basically unforgettable unless you pair him with something better. I don't get the appeal of him.

  5. It drives me crazy when folks like Fischer and Trump actually expect people to believe that Christians are some persecuted minority in this country. Last I checked, we haven't had a non-Christian president since William Howard Taft, and, if Pete Stark hasn't retired, there is exactly one atheist in Congress, along with a handful of Jews and a couple Muslims. Christian religious days like Christmas and Easter are official holidays and we have to sing God Bless America during the 7th inning stretch now. I would love to be persecuted like that!

  6. I am shocked at the amount of bile that poor Anna Duggar has had tossed at her. For Cloud's sake, the woman has been pregnant the vast majority of her marriage. How on earth is she supposed to be a porn star in the bedroom, after being a mom to all those tiny children all day? And you know very well that duggaring Josh believes that child care, and house work is women's work.

    Ben Shapiro can eat worms and drink perfume. What a lying sack of rotten meat he is.

    Be afraid Bob, unless something gigantic occurs it looks like Trump will be going up against the Democrat candidate. Mean and racist and bigoted seem to be what the majority of the GOP voters want.

  7. Do you think the Dumpster is insane? Forget that; are the GOP insane or are they hoping he will implode and then the SAFE candidate will take over and seem reasonable after the Dumpster's seriously unpleasant offerings?


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