
Monday, August 24, 2015

GOP Lawmakers Propose ‘Dress Code’ So Congressman Won't Feel The Need To Harass Teenage Girls

I know most people who read this blog thing already know this, but it bears repeating: the GOP neither likes, nor understands, women; and they think women are to blame for the way men, especially GOP men treat them. Like GOP member, and Missouri House Speaker, John Diehl, who resigned in May after he was caught “sexting” a college freshman.

And so, to stop this kind of behavior from happening, two Missouri Republican Representatives, Bill Kidd [top right] and Nick King [bottom right], are proposing a “modest dress code” for teenage interns. You know, because when a girl dresses provocatively, she’s “asking” to be sexually harassed by a member of the Missouri Congress.
“We need a good, modest, conservative dress code for both the males and females. Removing one more distraction will help everyone keep their focus on legislative matters.”—Nick King
Yup, these GOPers firmly believe that the best way, perhaps the only way, to keep these old Republican crones from hitting on teenage girls is to tell the teenage girls how to dress and what to wear, lest they be considered to be "asking for it.” Funny though, but not even in Missouri are the female lawmakers having problems keeping it in their pants around their teenage male interns, but still, let’s blame the women.

When the dress code was suggested, Democrats immediately spoke out against it. Senator Claire McCaskill said the proposal “reeks of a desire to avoid holding fully accountable those who would prey upon young women and men seeking to begin honorable careers in public service,” and Democratic Congressman Jeremy LaFaver took it a step further:
“If my plaid jacket or the sight of a woman’s bare knee distracts you from your legislative duties, I would look for other work.”

The new Missouri House Speaker, Republican Todd Richardson, apparently isn’t goose-stepping to the anti-women GOP proposal because he said “the house will not be implementing, changes to the dress code as the House already has in place a code that applies to all members, staff and interns equally.”

Here’s the deal: the problem isn’t with what women are wearing to government buildings in Missouri, the problem is the GOP men in Missouri who use their positions of power to hit on young girls, and then turn around and blame the clothing the women wear for their indiscretions. By proposing that females “cover up” Kidd and King are shifting the blame away from the lawmakers who should know better and placing it on the girls.

This is just like saying that the girl who wore the short skirt deserved to be raped. You do not ever blame the victim of sexual harassment for causing the sexual harassment.

Blame the perpetrators. Blame Bill Kidd and Nick King, and the GOP’s anti-women stance.
Top photo source


  1. And yet these fools would be up in arms over schools allowing Muslim girls to wear burqas. That would, of course, not be because it demeans women but because in some obscure way, it persecutes Christian.

  2. just like josh duggar was tempted by his sister's pj's. yeah right! men need to learn to keep their dick in their pants!

  3. Hey, if I see an underaged girl in a short skirt, what am I supposed to not get her number so I can send her creepy text messages? For God's sake, I'm only human!

  4. No woman or man should have to alter what they are wearing. Hell, had I been a woman, I'd had been Samantha on Sex and the City. If people can't control there actions, then they have the problem, and should seek help.

  5. Makes me kinda wonder about that plaid jacket.


    Its 2015 people! Stop blaming women for your sexual desires! Its your lust, your fantasies, your dick. Grow the f^(k UP!!!!

  7. It's clearly okay for white GOP males to sext young interns, but god forbid that a black man should do so much as say hello!


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