
Thursday, July 02, 2015

Random Musings

I hate cancer. I lost my Mom to cancer, and lost my sister to cancer. Then a few months ago my Dad called to tell me he’s been diagnosed with prostate cancer.

Yay! Cancer again!

My Dad had told me that during a routine exam, his PSA [prostate-specific antigen] levels were at ten; most healthy men have levels under 4 nanograms per milliliter. Now, my Dad is not one to take things sitting down, so with his doctor’s advice, they decided to watch the levels and recheck them in a few months.

That time they were up to 16; not good. So, again, on doctor’s advice, Dad started a regimen of therapies and a scheduled retest in six months.

Six months is this month.

Dad called me on Monday to tell me his PSA levels were at … one.

One! If only "one" was a multisyllabic word so I could put a ‘f**k’ in the middle of it.

But at least I could breathe, and my Dad could breathe, too. He’ll continue with his therapies and they’ll monitor him again in four months, and then, if the levels are still down, go from there.

I do love good news.
Speaking of which … following in the footsteps of NBC, Macy’s corporation has also fired Donald [t]Rump over those derogatory remarks he made about immigrants.

Univision. NBC. Macy’s. Now, if the GOP voters can fire him, too, this would be really great.
Over the last week, more than 35 million people have super imposed rainbows over their Facebook profile pictures using a free tool provided by the company.

A lot of famous folk, including Russell Simmons, California Attorney General Kamala Harris, and Leonardo DiCaprio, changed their profiles, but one person was not having it.

Vitaliy Milonov, the Russian politician responsible for the country’s “gay propaganda” laws, has said Facebook should be banned for allowing members to add a rainbow flag to their profile pictures.

Facebook. Banned. That little self-loathing closeted queer is on a tear, isn’t he?
Philadelphia diner recently changed the names of some items on their brunch menu and, well, could not keep up with the demand.

After the Supreme Court ruled that marriage is a legal right for all Americans, regardless of the couple’s gender composition, Justice Antonin Scalia was just as pissy and bitchy as he could be. So, Sam’s Morning Glory Diner in Philly opted to change the names of some of their breakfast entrées:

“Antonin Scalia is a Douche,” an egg dish with vegetables, cheese, and andouille sausage sold out before 10 AM on Sunday, while “The Supreme Court Finally Got It Right” quiches, available with or without prosciutto, were gone in less time than that.

Carol Mickey, who owns the restaurant, says:

“Not one single person complained. The atmosphere in [the diner] was really wonderful. People were just loving saying it! ‘I’ll have the Scalia is a Douche, please.’”

Loving it here, too.
This is Josh McAree, a model whose picture I stumbled across. There aren’t many men who could pull of a bun, much less a top knot, but, we’ll, he’s really rocking it.

Hair up or down, in a suit, or some jeans. Hot. Steamy, Sultry.
Carlos plays in our local community band, and tomorrow night he’ll be performing at a Fourth of July function in town, so he’s been rehearsing and rehearsing all those patriotic tunes.

I, however, don’t help much, because every time he play “You’re a Grand Old Flag,” I come marching into the office singing:

♪ ♫ You’re a grand old fag
You’re a high-flying fag
And forever in peace may you wave♪♫

I’m trying to get Ozzo, Tuxedo, MaxGoldberg and Consuelo to march through the room with me, but so far I’m having no luck.
A South Dakota county clerk has decided to oppose same-sex marriage, not by setting herself ablaze, but in an equally stupid way: she wants to marry her dog.

Seriously, how do we get from the idea of a same-couple to the idea that people will marry animals?

Are religious wingnut republican conservative asshats really that stupid?

Rhetorical question.

Rick Jones, that Utah gay man who reported being gay-bashed, forced to drink bleach, and having the words “Die fag” carved into his skin has been revealed to be a sick and twisted liar.

He did it to himself.

Attorneys for Jones made the admission last week to the sheriff’s office in Millard County:

“Our client is responsible for all of the incidents and that would include the cutting of his own skin as well as his reports of burglary and vandalism at his home and his family business.”

The lawyers also said this was not a hoax, but a cry for help Jones says some family member don’t like him being a ‘mo.

Boo-effing-hoo. Grow a pair, Ricky. Man up, be gay and deal with it, because with your giant lie, you now make every other person who was truly gay bashed seem a little less reliable. i know how hard it is to come out, but to do this to yourself, and then ask for sympathy and money?

Get help, Ricky. And then just STFU.

Oh, and the Jones’ family announced they will not accept the nearly $12,000 raised through a GoFundMe campaign to pay his medical expenses.

Ya think?


  1. What great news for your Father Bob. I can't even imagine the relief you all had.

    Are religious wingnut republican conservative asshats really that stupid? Yes.

    YAY for Macy's!!!! Our store, who is owned by Macy's is considering dropping his daughters line of shoes and handbags. No's not well made in my opinion. I can't believe he actually thinks he'll win? Poor and Middle class surely won't vote for a materialistic, pompous, snotty, bourgeoisie, elitists, old troll. How does he even relate to anyone lower than his financial bracket? And don't get he started on that hair again. I just hope he saved the receipt.

  2. I h8 cancer too. but YAYZ for your dad!

    "you're a grand old fag" - HA! what instrument does carlos play? you have a talented (and cute) husband!

  3. @AM
    He plays trumpet in the band but also plays the piano.
    I myself play a mean radio and can really belt out a showtune!

  4. Yah! For your Dad!
    And enjoy the parade :-)

  5. Great news about your Dad, Bob! :) You and Carlos have a happy Fourth!

  6. I lost my mom to liver cancer and my dad to lung cancer (coupled with COPD). Nearly lost my sister to breast cancer, but her healthy lifestyle saved her annoying ass in the end. SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!! Can't tell you how pleased Tim and I are (and if anyone understands that diagnosis, Tim does.) And if you want the pets to march with you? Treats. That's all it takes. Hold the treats in your hand and let them know and they'll follow you anywhere. I think the kid who faked his attack needs help and I hope he gets it. He's certainly not stable. And I think Siri needs to add (t)Rump to her zero divided by zero answer. Have a great weekend! :-)

  7. Splendid for your Dad, not to mention his nearest and dearest. Fingers crossed that this is how it's going to stay. Meantime, cause for rejoicing!

  8. Yeah for your Dad, yeah for restaurants with a good sense of humor,yeah for (t)Rump's continued decline, yeah for conservative stupidity keeping us entertained, yeah for guys with long hair (I really like guys with long hair!). Yeah for "musings"!

  9. "I myself play a mean radio and can really belt out a showtune!" - I bet you can! :)

    siri's response could also be: "the entire rethuglican klown bus"

  10. Good news about your Dad! I think you and Carlos should go up and take him out to celebrate

  11. Whew! I hope your Dad stays in great health for a very, very long time!


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