
Friday, June 26, 2015

We Interrupt This Blog ....

Love wins. As it should always win.

Today, no matter where Carlos and I go in this country, 
we are a married couple; everywhere.

Sure, there will be court orders and requests for appeals, 
but today, right now, we are equal.

We are married.



  1. Congrats to all of you in the US! What an incredible moment.
    So proud of America right now... Today is an amazing day and we are so lucky to be alive in this era and to witness this!

  2. YEAH! I second the interruption!

  3. Just caught this on the Beeb - GREAT news but there's always one;

    "We must resist and reject judicial tyranny, not retreat," said Mike Huckabee'

    or two or three. Naturally there would be no talk of judicial tyranny if the decision had gone the other way.


  4. I'm so VERY pleased for you and all my Blogpals over the pond there, Bob. Much relief all round, though of course we all know that the struggle will continue until the antis realise that it's not only not worth it, but also that most people don't care while there are far more important issues to be concerned about. But certainly, a day to remember for a lifetime! Congrats indeed!

  5. :-) :-) :-) :-)
    May it ever be so.
    It WILL ever be so.

  6. CONGRATULATIONS! I am so very, very thrilled for you and Carlos and really everyone in the US. And just in time for the NYC Pride parade on Sunday. Can't wait! Enjoy your weekend, Bob!

  7. THIS IS HUGE!!!!!!!! What a great and historic thing to happen !!!!!!! LOVE always wins in the end!!!! Drinks on the Mistress everybody!!!!!!!!!

  8. @mistress - where's my G&T?


  9. When we heard the news -- Tom was watching the television and following the live SCOTUS blog -- I got goosebumps. When we met a dozen years ago, we never imagined that in out lifetime we would be able to marry (which we did in March of last year) and then have it recognized throughout the country. Lots of obstacles remain to true equality, of course, because ... well, America. But it is an amazing day for all of us who have waited so long for truth and justice and love to win out.

  10. Hallelujah! Amen! Doing the happy dance!

  11. Clap, clap clap. . .[standing up]. . .CLAP CLAP CLAP!

  12. You are free to move about the country, marriage intact. What a day, huh?


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