
Thursday, June 11, 2015

Random Musings

This week’s Musings are Cat Heavy because, well, I say so … starting with MaxGoldberg, whom I’m beginning to suspect is an alien because he sits and stares at the windows, when the shades are drawn, then up to the ceiling, then at me, then back at the shades.

I think he was sent here as a scout, and he’s waiting for the mother ship … and he’s got big plans for me.

I’m afraid. Seriously; afraid.
It seems that two cities in Texas — Austin and El Paso — are considering whether to rename streets that bear Bruce Jenner's into something else because, well, Caitlyn.

Let me make this queer: the Bruce Jenner streets were named that after an Olympic Gold medal winner, and that hasn’t changed, so why change the names?

It makes no sense, and it’s just plain stupid …
A few of my favorite shows have come back, and one has added a new hottie …

Power has returned to Starz and Omari Hardwick … tee hee hard wick … has the most beautiful body … for a drug lord and murderer. But, hey, I can overlook that, you know, for the hotness.

Taye Diggs is back in Murder In The First and, well, I digs me some Taye.

And then I spotted Brandon Barash as a new detective on Major Crimes. There seems to be a feeling that his make be a short arc on the show; I hope not, he’s delicious.
Well, it looks as if Brian “I Was nearly Shot Down In Iraq” Williams might not be coming back to work at the NBC Nightly News anchor desk when his six-month time out for being a Big Fat Liar is up this August.

Rumor has it that Lester Holt, who’s been the anchor since Williams was sent to the corner, may keep the job after all, but don’t feel bad from Williams just yet.

NBC still wants him, just not as their anchor, or the face of NBC News because, well, lies. I expect he’ll become the wine steward for Kathie Lee and Hoda this fall.

Cuz he says he’s a sommelier … or is he?
MaxGoldberg and Tuxedo love each other — Carlos suggests they might be homosexuals … not that there’s anything wrong with that — and love to play and eat together, and, well, snuggle up together.

They do not, however, like photographic evidence of their snuggling.
And the Duggaring continues … the Duggar family is once again under investigation by the Arkansas Department of Human Services and police were called when a DHS worker visited the home to check on a minor child and the Duggars refused to allow it.

A representative from the Washington County DHS called 911 on May 27 after Josh’s molestation became news, and after the Duggars duggared themselves on Fox News — asking for police assistance when DHS was not allowed to see the minor they were concerned about.

This family really needs a time-out … permanently.
What’s this? Marriage equality in Guam?

Last week, a federal judge ended the prolonged legal battle over same-sex marriage in the U.S. island territory and even anti-equality governor, Eddie Calvo, agreed to follow the ruling.  Guam is the first U.S. territory to allow same-sex marriage.

Bravo to Guam, and let the weddings begin!
And, here on the mainland, a judge has ordered Arkansas officials to recognize the more than 500 same-sex marriages performed in the state last year, during that brief window when equality was the law.

It’s like California and Prop 8, y’all. Arkansas will have a tough time defending their marriage ban when 500 Arkansas same-sex couples are now legally wed in the eyes of the state.

C’mon Arkansas, join the other 36 states — and DC — and get on with equality.
She won’t admit it, but Consuelo Roca Jones did not want to be left out of this Cat Heavy post, and so she sat for a portrait.

She does give good face, though she gets bored easily and turns away from the camera, not realizing that you can see her face in the glass.

The real thing or a reflection, it’s all good Cat face.


  1. Loves some good kitty pictures (do not tell Abby!)

  2. While all your kids are quite adorable....btw...where is ozzo, I do believe I and Busters favorite is Consuela Rocca Jones. She is just diva, star and with a pinch of cattiness. I do believe I have seen her at a drag show performing once. She is ALL DRAG QUEEN.

  3. Bob, I love your cats! And yes, Max Goldberg is so an alien, but we can live with that. The two cuddlers are adorable and dreamy, and as for CRJ: she is extremely photogenic. Her second shot with her reflection is what you call artistic license. Excellent staging, Bob! :)

  4. awwwwwwwwwwwwww, pussies!

    LOVE the last pix!

  5. Of course the Duggars turned the police away. These type of people think they're above the law because they're following "God's Law," which supercedes the mere laws of man. So why should they respect any Earthly authorities?

  6. Hey, Puss! Pssss pssss pssss (Holding out the knuckle of my forefinger for it to touch with its nose, thereby allowing it to make that all-important initial physical contact.)


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