
Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Can I Get An Amen: IBM Tells Bobby Jindal To Suck It

This past Monday IBM was scheduled to have a ribbon-cutting ceremony for its new National Service Center in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, but they scrapped the party because Bobby Jindal is a bigot.

Okay, maybe they didn’t say he was a bigot, but they did say there would be no party, no ceremony, no ribbons or big scissors, because of Governor Bobby Jindal's executive order; one of those Religious Freedom Restoration Acts that make it legal to discriminate in Louisiana, mostly against The Gays.

IBM was not having it. In a letter to the governor, IBM executives said the legislation cut at the very heart of what their company stands for, equal rights and opportunity for everyone, discrimination for no one. The letter implored Jindal not to support any agenda that protected discrimination against LGBT people. 

But, Bobby Jindal is an anti-LGBT bigot, and he just doesn’t care. I’m only sad that his bigotry and vote for discrimination came too late for IBM to take there business elsewhere, but maybe, just maybe, other companies thinking of opening offices in Louisiana will rethink their ideas and stay away from hate.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. My parents enjoyed the three years they lived
    in Baton Rouge and we enjoyed visiting them.
    Sad to see them turn business away over this.

  3. I'm glad that IBM thumbed their noses at Piyush. Too bad they didn't close the facility down or move any of their business out of state.

    @Dog's Mother: I'm not sad to see business being turned away over this. When it hits you in your pocketbook, you take notice. Sometimes that's the only way to get through to idiots.

  4. Good to hear they did the right thing. To hell with bigots and haters.

  5. So good to see companies like IBM demonstrating principles and conscience!

  6. Gads I would have loved to be a fly on that wall when Jingle Bells read that!


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