
Thursday, April 02, 2015

Random Musings

Carlos and I love Jeopardy. He says I should be on the show, not that I’m so smart, but that I have a way of figuring out the question to the answer because, many times, they give you a clue to the question in the answer. But I digress … we were watching one day last week and the answer was something along the lines of:

Ants use these to both see and feel.
I mumbled, What are antennae?
Carlos said aloud, What are antlers?

Now, I know he meant antennae, but I literally fell outta my chair laughing at the idea of ants with antlers. And I was still laughing days later when I relayed the story to my Dad, who then asked to speak to his son-in-law about it.

And then my Dad relayed a story about my Mom that I never knew. He said that many moons ago, while driving through Texas, my mother spotted something in the road and said, Ooh, an armadillo!

My father took a look at it and said, That’s actually a piece of a tire.

And from then on whenever they spotted a piece of a tire in the road, my Dad would call it an armadillo.

I guess that’s where I get it from.
Texas Republican Representative Louie Gohmert is mulling a presidential run for 2016.
Just when you thought the biggest idiot running for the GOP was Ted Cruz, the clown car stops and someone opens the hatchback and Louie Gohmert pops out!
Barronelle? As I said on Facebook, I’m’a have to ask you to sit down, for a long while.
As you may recall Barronelle Stutzman is that Washington state florist who refused to provide flowers for a same-sex wedding and was subsequently charged with discrimination by the state.
Well, she was fined the massive sum of $1,000 last week, plus $1 for court costs and fees, and she has 60 days to pay the state for her refusal to serve Robert Ingersoll and Curt Freed when they sought to buy wedding flowers in 2013.
But now she says she’s going broke because of all this, when she’s probably just losing business because she’s a bigot and most folks don’t wanna do business with her.
Lesson learned: Discrimination doesn’t pay the bills on a florist shop.
This week NBC announced that their next big televised musical event will be The Wiz.
I say, Good luck, and don’t f**k it up
Seriously, don’t carrie-underwood The Wiz.
We’ve had our issues with Target in the past, most notably when they funded some anti-gay political candidates in Minnesota, but Target, now that they know better, is trying to do better, and have stepped up in light of these “Religious Freedom Restoration Acts {RFRAs] popping up around the nation with a new message:

“In recent days, we’ve heard from you, our guests. You’ve asked us for Target’s thoughts about what it means to have an inclusive culture. You’ve asked us if, given the current conversations taking place across our country, we were taking a stand. And while most of those have been one-on-one conversations as you have called or emailed us, we wanted to take time to share our thoughts more broadly. They are simple. Everyone deserves to feel like they belong. And you’ll always be accepted, respected and welcomed here.”

Good on Target for evolving.
So, Faye Dunaway was Joan Crawford in Mommie Dearest; every self-respecting gay oughta know that. But Faye hated the way the movie turned out, and loathed that it has become a camp classic despite a really great performance as Crawford. And in the years since then Dunaway almost always refuses to talk about the film, which many believe ruined her career. I mean, she went from Bonnie and Clyde to Chinatown to Network — for which she won an Oscar — to Mommie Dearest and then almost to oblivion.

That’s the bad news. The good news is that Dunaway is finally ready to address the career-changing film in a book.

Publisher’s Lunch, a publishing industry newsletter, mentioned an upcoming memoir in a recent email:

“Academy Award winning actress Faye Dunaway’s recollections, stories and behind the scenes account of the making of one of Hollywood’s most iconic films, Mommie Dearest, to Julia Cheiffetz at Dey Street Books, by Alan Nevins at Renaissance (World).”

To paraphrase Dunaway as Crawford: Christina!!! Bring.Me.My.Kindle!

So  a couple of weeks back I tuned in to a new comedy starring Nick Zano as a man who donates sperm to his Lesbian BFF so they can raise a child together and then, as the Lesbian reveals she’s knocked up, he reveals he’s just gotten married.

So, it’s straight guy and his wife, with his gay bestie raising a child. The show is called one Big Happy, but after watching for roughly five minutes, I dubbed it One Big Not Funny. And, while I won’t watch again, I was intrigued by Nick Zano, who has a younger Brad Pitt thing goin’ on.

He’s hot, but not hot enough to make me sit through thirty minutes of crap every week … though I think the show has already been cancelled.


  1. First off Nick Zano is not a bright bulb, but oh SO NICE to look at. Didn't see the show. I adore Faye, one of my favorites, but she can at time be a odd bird. I remember she had a feud a couple years ago with another actress. Something about her not play a role as good as she could. And the Carlos story!!!!! Is it any wonder he fit into your family so well!?!?!?

  2. Our Japanese daughter in law, speaks very good English, however there are sounds she has issues with. One day she asked me to come help her. She had both doors of the coat closet open and was digging around. I asked her what she needed.

    "I can't find my fhoohd!"

    "Your what?"

    "My fhoohd!"

    Completely lost and not wanting to upset her further I asked, "Where did you last see it?"

    "It was getting in my way, so I unzipped it. Do you think I lost it somehow?"

    Ok, that didnt help me at all. Trying again, "Were where you when you unzipped it?"

    "At work, every time I leaned down to help with the luggage it flopped into my face, so I unzipped it!"

    It was at the point when I understand she was looking for her detachable HOOD!

  3. As always, so much to comment on. So, I'll just pick one:

    I think Carlos is so clever! ANT-lers! (Although I suppose you'll have to explain THAT to him.)

  4. We watched "one Big Happy" for about 5 minutes also; boorish. Too bad, because with good writing, it might have been funny and edgy.


    My mom while, watching a program about STD's ... looked at me with a question in her eyes? I said "do you know what they're talking about?" and she said "Yes. Condos."


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