
Tuesday, April 07, 2015

Happy Birthday Carlos!

Yup. It's today.

Carlos' birthday, and, as he would tell it, like Vera Charles, he is somewhere between forty.....and death. But, he doesn't get to tell it. I do, because it's my blog and I'll write about him if I want to....

I am constantly amazed by Carlos. I learn something new about him, from him, every day. His hasn't always been the easiest path; he's had more ups and downs than a power top at an all-night orgy, but he moves on with a smile. He's endured things and overcome things that would break a lesser man, but he does it a laugh and, perhaps, a little sashay that would make RuPaul green with envy.

He has a smirk that makes me swoon.

He has a way with words that makes me feel like a dizzy redhead.
He has a heart and passion for life that is unmatched.

So, here we are, celebrating his birthday for the fourteenth time together, and I am looking forward to fourteen more, and fourteen more, and fourteen more.

I love you, Carlos, for who you were, and who you are, and who you will be.

Happy Birthday, Baby, and if they ask, I won't tell.

And, rather than singing that old tired birthday tune, I'll end with a little John Barrowman, and I Am What I Am because Carlos is what he is, and it's the only way he'll have it.

Happy Birthday, Husband ....  


  1. Many happy returns of the day

  2. xoxoxoxo to Carlos! And Bob!

  3. I already wished him happy day on FB, but now, to you both, have a great celebration, many more together!

  4. A gorgeous tribute post to your love, Bob. Carlos, I wish you a beautiful birthday with all the trimmings. And may you continue to laugh and love with your husband for a very long time!

  5. Carlos just proves you can't help getting older, but you don't have to get old!!!!!!! Happy Birthday to the boy!

  6. feliz cumpleanos carlos! :)

    PS - I am still older than you!

  7. Happy happy day to you, sir.

    Oh, and Vera Charles? "If I kept my hair natural like you I'd be bald."

  8. All hail and many happy ones to C on this auspicious day. May he continue to be your anchor, Bob, for evermore - and then a little longer after that.
    Both of you have a lovely day now.

  9. Feliz cumpleaƱos (un poco tarde), Carlos! Thanks for giving Bob so much material for his blog!

  10. Sending a Happy Birthday virtual hug!

  11. Feliz Cumpleanos Carlos!!


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