
Tuesday, March 17, 2015

The Dowager Congressman Steps Down

The Pretty Boy Stumble is nearing completion today as Illinois Republican Congressman, and once GOP Golden Child, Aaron Schock, AKA The Dowager Congressman, announced he is resigning from Congress amid the scandals involving charging the United States government, and his campaign, tens of thousands of dollars in questionable mileage reimbursements, travel for friends, office redecorations, and probably more:
“Today, I am announcing my resignation as a Member of the United States House of Representatives effective March 31.
I do this with a heavy heart. Serving the people of the 18th District is the highest and greatest honor I have had in my life. I thank them for their faith in electing me and letting me represent their interests in Washington. I have given them my all over the last six years. I have traveled to all corners of the District to meet with the people I’ve been fortunate to be able to call my friends and neighbors.
But the constant questions over the last six weeks have proven a great distraction that has made it too difficult for me to serve the people of the 18th District with the high standards that they deserve and which I have set for myself. I have always sought to do what’s best for my constituents and I thank them for the opportunity to serve.”
Here’s the deal: the constant questions wouldn’t have been an issue if there weren’t an element of truth behind each one.

Schock was more interested in the popularity contest of being in Congress, and the extra perks of travel and parties and jets and interior design that he felt he deserved. He was brought down by his own sense of entitlement.

I don’t feel bad at all ... one less crooked politician who believes they are above the law is out.

Maybe he can get a job as a model, in a petite men’s fashion line.
[story and photo source via Politico]


  1. Or maybe he could get a job as a footman on "Downton Abbey"s" next season. I hear Mosley is going to get his old job as valet back.

  2. bwhahahahahaha! only in office 3 months! what a douchebag!

  3. Not surprised. Kind of shocked that he thought he could get away with it.

  4. I think he resigned because you called him the Dowager Congressman. Now he can go one to a HG show no doubt. Or porn.

  5. Wow, it's almost like he's capable of feeling shame!

  6. He resigned to keep from being indited. Once he's resigned he can't be held accountable for all his money double dealings.

  7. He's very cute. So I don't care that much about his having claimed some extra mileage reimbursement. It doesn't compare with driving off a bridge and leaving one's mistress to drown.

  8. It's even made the news over here!

  9. he's ready for porn now


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