
Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Minister Dollar Wants Sixty Million Of Your Dollars

Damn! I missed my calling; and by calling, I mean calling … to God … cuz I could use some big time toys.

See, one Minister Creflo Dollar — yes, his last name is Dollar which should be Clue #1 as to whom, or what, he most often prays — is a preacher at World Changers Church International near Atlanta and has asked roughly 200,000 members of his congregation to send him $300 each so he can …
House the homeless. No.

Help find a cure for HIV/AIDS. No.

Feed the hungry. No.

Minister Dollar needs the money … he needs the money, y’all … because he wants to buy a new jet.

Dollar released his Money Beg in a new video telling his congregants that he needs just $60 million more to buy the $65 million Gulfstream G650 so he can continue doing the work of Jesus … who, if I am right, did the same work in a pair of sandals.

And there’s the problem with organized religion: asking, no, begging for coins so you can travel in high style while you do the Lord’s work; asking, no, begging, for coins from, people who may have one, two, even three mortgages on their homes, and live paycheck to paycheck; asking, no begging, for the needy to help you buy a luxury plane so you can help the needy.

Why not do a Money Beg and then actually help someone other than yourself, Minister Dollar, or should we call you Minster Sixty-Five-Million-Dollar?


  1. I hear Harrison Ford has a plane for sale...

  2. @TDM
    :::slow clap::: Brava!

  3. I suppose his congregation also paid for those scary-looking teeth.

  4. ya think he does it on the DL?

  5. Bob,
    Unfortunately there will always be those among us who think by donating to certain charismatic preachers they can buy their way into Heaven. There will always be the "Minister Dollars" in our world.

  6. I never understand how people fall for hucksters like Rev Dollar. Jesus was pretty clear about his contempt for the rich. If he's the man you claim to follow, how do you justify your minister living like a fucking oil sheik?
    "Sell all you have and give the money to the poor."
    "Easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter Heaven."
    Does that sound like a man who wants his representatives on Earth to be wealthy?

  7. Despicable! Totally and completely not doing the work Jesus sent his followers out to do. I hope he whoops it up here, cause when that dollar is retired from life on earth, hes going to be serving a different master, one of pain and suffering.

  8. Hasn't Mr Dollar heard about the Greyhound bus service? He could then spend the $5 million he has in hand on helping his parishioners

  9. he is a liar and a crook

  10. Didn't you know that, although Jesus DID in fact do his work in a pair of sandals still had to raise money to pay for those sandals? I can't be certain but I think that in today's dollars those sandals cost at least $25 million. And they didn't even HAVE jets back then...

    So, how many idiots have contributed to this asshole?!?


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