
Monday, March 23, 2015

A Monday Mockery: #TedCruzCampaignSlogans

Well, that didn't take long ...

Within minutes of GOP loon Ted Cruz announcing his soon-to-fail attempt at the presidency, Twotter came alive with soem high-larious repsonses:

And, to add insult to the stupidity, the domain name, TedCruz.Com is a pro-Obama Immigration page.

The comedy ensues ...
photo via FreakOutNation
story and Tweets via ForwardProgressives


  1. I'm not sure announcing in front of students who would have been fined $10 if they didn't show up was such a good idea. Especially the ones who wore Rand tshirts to the event. And I thought I saw a gorilla....

  2. LOL! Thanks for the making fun of Cruz post, I really needed that giggle!

  3. cruz is batshit insane. NO F-ING WAY he gets elected. even the GOP hates him!

  4. These ARE hilarious. And is a wonderful punchline!

  5. I love that Cruz is running! However, could someone remind me why he can run for president since he really was born in a foreign country. For real.

  6. As Ron says; I'd always understood that you couldn't be President in the US unless you were born in America.


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