
Friday, January 02, 2015

Would You Hit It?

Idris Elba's been in the news a lot this week, especially after Rush Limbaugh said he shouldn't play James Bond because he's Black and, well, Bond ain't Black.

That's neither here nor there because I have a question ...


Yes or No.


  1. Faster than the Mistress could shake him a martini!

  2. OH MY YES!

    screw rush; this guy is sexay enough to play bond AND a bad guy in the same movie!

  3. uh-huh, in a heartbeat

  4. Hell Yea I'd hit it and He could hit me

  5. I'm making a habit of being in a minority, or even an isolated single voice. Nonetheless, once again here it's a 'No'.

  6. Bob,
    I'm watching "The Wire" now and I have to admit Idris Elba has "it." While I'm not into black guys (nor am I "into" redheads either, so don't be too quick to throw out the "R" word), I can definitely see Mr. Elba as a black James Bond. How cool would that be? As a matter of fact, watching "The Wire" I see a lot of good black actors. It's a shame they don't have more access to good roles. At least progress is being made, albeit slowly.


Say anything, but keep it civil .......