
Friday, January 23, 2015

I Didn't Say It ...

Billy Crystal, who played Jodie Dallas on 1970s Soap, the first openly gay character to regularly appear on network TV, on gays on TV today:

"I did it in front of a live audience, and there were times where I would say to [the actor who played his boyfriend], 'Bob, “I love you,' and the audience would laugh nervously, because, you know, it’s a long time ago, that I’d feel this anger. I wanted to stop the tape and go, 'What is your problem?' Because it made you sort of very self-conscious about what we were trying to do then. And now it’s just, I see it and I just hope people don’t abuse it and shove it in our face — well, that sounds terrible — to the point of it just feels like an everyday kind of thing."

I was kind of disheartened to hear this from Billy, because, as a young queerling, I wanted to see me on TV and I didn’t—at least not very often. And, if Billy has a problem with in-your-face homosexuality, does he have a problem with in-your-face heterosexuality?
UPDATE:  Crystal has clarified his statement:
"What I meant was that whenever sex or graphic nudity of any kind (gay or straight) is gratuitous to the plot or story it becomes a little too much for my taste."
Much better, Billy.
Frank Bruni, on The Gays being a threat to religion:

"I’ve been called many unpleasant things in my life, and I’ve deserved no small number of them. But I chafe at this latest label: A threat to your religious liberty. I don’t mean me alone. I mean me and my evidently menacing kind: men who have romantic relationships with other men and maybe want to marry them, and women in analogous situations. According to many of the Americans who still cast judgment on us, our 'I do' somehow tramples you, not merely running counter to your creed but running roughshod over it. That’s absurd. And the deference that many politicians show to such thinking is an example not of religion getting the protection it must but of religious people getting a pass that isn’t warranted. It’s an illustration of religion’s favored status in a country that’s still working out this separation-of-church-and-state business and hasn’t yet gotten it quite right."

Once again: word. Keep your religion out of marriage because it’s a civil right, not a religious one.
Shepard Smith, Fox "News" anchor, on the Supreme Court's decision to review the Sixth Circuit same-sex marriage cases:

"Not in every case, but in most cases, the same states which were fighting integration are fighting this as well. Those states which always seem to be behind the curve for reasons which are explainable and understandable."

Sad to say, but you can see it’s true just by looking at a map of marriage equality states versus non-equality states.
Sidenote: it’s lovely that South Carolina bucked that trend.
Cardinal Raymond Burke, one of the most outspoken anti-gay Catholic activists, blaming women for the problems the church is facing:

“Apart from the priest, the sanctuary has become full of women...the activities in the parish and even the liturgy have been influenced by women and become so feminine in many places that men do not want to get involved. Men are often reluctant to become active in the church. The feminised environment and the lack of the church’s effort to engage men has led many men to simply opt out.”

Funny, though, I don’t hear of cases of women raping altar boys, so that sexual abuse problem that the Catholic Church has been fighting for decades is created and perpetuated and aided and abetted by men.
Maybe the Church should let women take over and clean up that mess.
Kevin Hart, while promoting his new film The Wedding Ringer, on turning down a role in Tropic Thunder because it was a gay character:

"Not because I have any ill will or disrespect, it's because I feel like I can't do that because I don't think I'm really going to dive into that role 100%. Because of the insecurities about myself trying to play that part. Like, would I think people are going to think while I'm trying to do this is going to stop me from playing that part the way that I'm supposed to."

So, what he’s saying is he can’t play gay because he’s afraid people will think he’s gay? Or because, maybe he’ll turn gay?
Siddown Kevin. You’re one annoying little man.


  1. Cardinal Raymond Burke - another raping asshat that should probably be behind prison bars somewhere. coming from someone who wears a dress for a living...

  2. Will Smith has a similar problem with being identified as gay. What's the problem Kevin and Will? Little insecurity about your masculinity?

  3. Kevin Hart: at least he's honest, with himself and with us. He's uncomfortable with the role, knew he wouldn't be able to give it the effort it deserved, so he didn't do it. He's admitting he's not a strong enough person to separate himself from the role. At least he's honest.

  4. Thanks for giving us your interpretation options on the Kevin Hart quote, Bob. I wasn't sure what the hell he was trying to explain!

  5. Also bored with sex scenes. Not looking forward to the promos for 50 Shades.

  6. Cardinal Burke forgets that women originally had roles in the early church that went beyond giving birth to little Christians, working as deacons in the church. Presumably he doesn't want us to go back to those days?

    And yes you are right Bob, there are very few women raping altar boys, although there may be one or two seducing them; and that is inappropriate too.

  7. Hold the phone, there. The Sixth Circuit is conservative because the Court is located in Cincinnati, which is as good as Kentucky for all that I am concerned.

    And it should be pointed out that the Sixth Circuit has the highest number of decisions overturned by the Supreme Court.

    Finally, of the three judges who heard the case, Maureen O'Connor, the against judge to uphold the laws banning same sex marriage is a Republican hack and the face of party politics. She was a run of the mill attorney of no standing until she ran for Lieutenant Governor of Ohio with George Voinovich, a moderate Republican, who named her to the State Supreme Court, where she was relected. Then Voinovich, before retiring from the U.S. Senate nominates her for the Sixth Circuit where she accomplishes nothing except votes as party bosses instruct her.


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