
Monday, December 15, 2014

PFOX: Liars and Asshats

Gay? Are we born that way, or do we choose it?

Well, PFOX [Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays] an anti-gay organization that wants y’all to believe that The Gays chose The Gay is trying real hard again to make their point. This time they’ve erected a billboard along I-95 in Virginia to share their, um, Christmas message:
"Identical twins: One gay, one not. Nobody is born gay."
So says one Regina Griggs, Executive Director of PFOX, who adds:
"Identical twins have the same genes or DNA. If homosexuality is caused by genetics or prenatal conditions and one twin is gay, the co-twin should also be gay…Because identical twins are always genetically identical, homosexuality cannot be genetically dictated. No one is born gay."
Hmmm, that makes sense, you know, until you actually read up on the science of genetics and identical twins, as was done by Scientific American in 2008, where they learned that identical twins are rarely completely the same, such as not having the same fingerprints or even the same IQ levels. Now, if there is some genetic marker that makes one twin gay, maybe that other twin, no matter how identical, wasn’t lucky enough to get it.

And the good folks at PFOX have some IQ issues all their own, or at least some ethical issues, because, you see, the twins in the picture are not twins. It’s two pictures of the same young man, Kyle Roux, a South African model who is not a twin, but is most definitely gay, and wants PFOX to know that:.
"It just seems like there no place in today's world for an organization that is promoting this as being some kind of deviant or distasteful lifestyle, because I've lived my life openly gay and happy for my entire life. It's actually quite a big thing that there is this kind of discrimination and borderline hate speech going on, you know.” — Kyle Roux
Let me make this queer to all those anti-gay hate groups: if you believe in your rubbish, all well and good, if that’s how you choose to live your life. But don’t make up lies and put ‘em on a sign for all the world to see. It makes you look stupid and hateful and just plain pathetic.

Why would you choose that?
via NCRM


  1. I thought I saw an article over the weekend that interviewed the man pictured in the billboard....who does not have a twin and who is openly gay. Hmmm....

  2. I once prepared a long science lesson for one of my students and learned all about fingerprints including the fact about identical twins and non-identical fingerprints.
    Then someone FINALLY thought to tell me that my student had already been fingerprinted after having attempted to burn down the school. Okay, toss that lesson plan!

  3. we are born either str8 or gay; I cannot "convert" to gay as you cannot "convert" to str8. but we CAN love each other for who we are!

  4. I love reading your stuff :)

  5. @Facing Traffic

    Thanks! Much appreciated!

  6. I can't even comment these people are so fucken frustrating. UGH!!!

  7. If I was a driver I'd have to change my route to avoid going past that thing and having heart failure at the wheel. I only hope there's not more than one billboard out there. Just the one is one too many.

  8. Interesting how PFOX says "WE BELIEVE twin research shows." I guess they're admitting that in their hateful, ignorant brains that's what they choose to believe... even though the research proves just the opposite.

  9. Nothing like bearing false witness to prove what a godly person you are!

  10. Apparently stupidity isn't a choice, you are born that way or not.

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