
Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Guns Are His Right ... And He Used His Right To Kill His Wife

Martin Gaytan, a 24-year-old Texas gun enthusiast — Enthusiast? In my house we just call ‘em ‘gun nuts’—has been charged with murder after he allegedly shot and killed his wife, Monica, during an argument over the weekend.

Gaytan has always said he believed the right to bear arms was necessary for “protection” from foreign and domestic governments, for home defense, to fight off “muggers and rapists,” and because “it’s my right,” but over the weekend, during a fight with his wife, he took the gun from her hands — she must also be an “enthusiast” — and shot her several times.

He calls it self-defense, although if he’d taken the gun from her … ?

The Gaytans had been married for a year and had a five-year-old child.

That’s all … except, well, guns don’t kill people, but gun nuts who think they know how to handle a gun and then whip it out during an argument, using it to shoot the mother of their child several times, kill people.

Just sayin.’


  1. Just today --
    A 2-year-old boy accidentally shot and killed his mother after he reached into her purse at a northern Idaho Wal-Mart and her concealed gun fired, authorities said Tuesday.

  2. guns are for killing. period. WHY aren't we a civilized country?

  3. Yea... I know a few gun crazy people here! It's sad...

  4. I had a gun nut quote the old "guns don't kill people..." at me at work last week and I pointed my fingers at him and yelled "boom" and said "You're still alive so I think they do." The look on his face; priceless!

  5. The stupidity of it all; why carry a loaded gun that a two year old could fire? Why carry a gun?

  6. I just also read about the 2-year-old in that Idaho Walmart. So glad these people are protecting their families.

  7. @S'A


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