
Tuesday, July 01, 2014


via The Advocate


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Sorry, lost my head there for a minute. I used to work, as an educator, for 'the organization who shall not be named with the initials
    PP. So I have opinions. :-)

    This issue revolves around what keeps a fertilized egg from implanting. That is what HL and the Mennonite cabinet company object to.

    A diaphragm is okay and so are 15 other methods of birth control.

    That said I fear the slippery slope.

  3. And yet they sell items made in China, where birth control and abortion are encouraged. Hypocrites.

  4. Plus, they invest corporate profits into medical companies that make birth control. Go figure ....

  5. thank the dogs and cats there are none of these h8 stores around here; I would be VERY tempted to toss a grenade into one (if I could buy a grenade, that is).

  6. Slippery slope begins here. So, if the company was jewish, or muslim, or some other than xtain, would the ruling have been the same? Me thinkist not.

  7. All falls by the wayside, including common sense (usually the first victim), when religion enters the equation

  8. Poor Jesus.
    Wicked people doing evil in his name.


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