
Monday, June 30, 2014

Oklahoma? Is The Crazy In The Water?

Timothy Murray, out there in Oklahoma, was running for Congress against Frank Lucas and, well, he lost; badly. He scored 5.2% of the vote while Lucas secured more than eighty percent; yeah, not even close.

So what does Timothy Murray do? He opts to one-up the usual suspects in Oklahoma by appearing to be the Craziest Politician In All The Land in a state where Sally Kern, Scott Esk, Mary Falling, Tim Coburn, James Lankford, and Jim Inhofe all have held office, hold office, or seek to hold office; side note: nearly all of those people I’ve just mentioned have won the coveted ISBL Asshat of the Week Award™.

But Murray goes a step further by announcing that he plans to contest Oklahoma’s recent primary re-election of Lucas because, well, Timothy Murray says Lucas is no longer qualified to hold office because ... Frank Lucas is dead and has been replaced by a robot.

Oh, but he did.

From the campaign website of Timothy Murray:
"I, Timothy Ray Murray, am a human, born in Oklahoma, and obtained and continue to fully meet the requirements to serve as U.S. Representative when honored to so. I will never use a look alike to replace my (The Office’s) message to you or to anyone else, as both the other Republican Challengers have. Rep. Frank Lucas, and a few other Oklahoma and other States’ Congressional Members were depicted as being executed by The World Court on or about Jan. 11, 2011 in Southern Ukraine. On television they were depicted as being executed by the hanging about the neck until death on a white stage and in front of witnesses. Other now current Members of Congress have shared those facts on television also. We know that it is possible to use look alike artificial or manmade replacements, however Rep. Lucas was not eligible to serve as a Congressional Member after that time. The World knows the truth and We must always display and communicate the truth. I will always share public information with the truth when honored to serve as your Representative."
To his credit, Frank Lucas responded like this:
“It does come as kind of a shock to read that you’re not you … Many things have been said about me, said to me during course of my campaigns. This is the first time I’ve ever been accused of being a body double or a robot.”
And Lucas adds that he has never been to Ukraine.

Murray has run for Congress in the past two state elections, and faced Lucas both times, the last time as a Democrat though this time he switched to the GOP where, from the looks of his story, and the looks of the GOP in Oklahoma, the crazies tend to congregate. Maybe this time the loss proved so substantial that he just snapped and  ...

I can't with this; Murray’s letter claiming the body switching of Lucas for a robot, or lookalike, or double, or whatever, has been received by the election’s board, though he has yet to file a formal complaint.

Seriously. What the hell is going on in Oklahoma?


  1. What is really going on?

  2. What is the man on? Surely he cannot seriously expect anyone but the insane to believe this twaddle?

  3. W? T? F? is that dude smoking?

  4. 5 percent?!?!? What the fuck, Oklahoma?


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