
Thursday, May 15, 2014

Random Musings

So, Karl Rove, puppet-master to George W. Bush eight year reign of terror and lies has now stepped forward with this bizarre thought on Hillary Clinton, where he seems to suggest that she’s suffered brain damage:

“Thirty days in the hospital? And when she reappears, she's wearing glasses that are only for people who have traumatic brain injury? We need to know what's up with that.”

Then, naturally, after the lie is out there for other wingnuts to run with, Rove backtracks, saying:

“No, no. I didn't say she had brain damage, she had a serious health episode and my point was that I think it was from the 7th of December in 2012 through the 7th of January of 2013, she underwent, first she had apparently a serious virus.”

Well, true, he didn’t say the words brain damage he simply asked why she was wearing glasses that are for victims of brain trauma.

Po-tay-to, po-tah-to, shut the eff up.

Seriously, you spent eight years working for  man who had no brain at all and you’re gonna question Hillary? That GOP is sounding more and more desperate at the thought of President Hillary Clinton.
Good news — again — on the marriage equality front.

Out in Oregon US District Court Judge Michael McShane denied the National Organization for Marriage motion to serve as intervenor to defend Oregon’s ban on same-sex marriage.

It’s time NOM just took a seat and realized that they are over.

In Idaho, though, on the heels of a judge’s ruling that the state’s ban on same-sex marriage is unconstitutional, because it is, Governor Butch Otter is seeking to appeal the decision by Chief US Magistrate Judge Candy Dale to deny his request that she stay her decision striking the state’s ban on same-sex marriage.

And then 

The Arkansas Supreme Court has denied a petition from that state’s attorney general for an emergency stay of a county circuit judge’s ruling that two state laws banning same-sex marriage are unconstitutional.

C’mon, folks, just give up, it’s gonna happen and why not be on the front of the battle than bringing up the rear?
I like this story.

While appearing on Good Morning America this week to promote the season finale wedding between Cam and Mitch on Modern Family, stars Eric Stonestreet and Jesse Tyler Ferguson announced that last Monday the Modern Family would cover the cost of all marriage licenses and wedding ceremonies taking place that day at the New York City Clerk's office.

Publicity stunt, yes, but a cool one.
So, Michael Sam was picked to play for the St Louis Rams and, upon hearing the news, he kissed his boyfriend.

And all hell broke loose.

I get it, I guess. I mean, we’ve seen gay characters kiss on TV but rarely do we see real gay folks, and not ever a gay athlete, kiss his, or her, partner on live TV.

But, still, get over it. It was a kiss in celebration of good news, not the sign of the End Times.

And speaking of Michael Sam, apparently his new Rams jersey is fast becoming one of the top sellers of all time. I guess when you make history, everyone wants to be a part of it.

In South Dakota there lives one of the most offensive homophobes — and possibly closeted gay men — on the planet, in the form of GOP House Representative Steve Hickey.

He seems intent on speaking about, ahem, The Gay Butt Sex, comparing it to garbage trucks, or something, and then he went into more detail when he gave an interview to a local paper and once again talked about The Gays Butt Sex:

“I hesitate to get crude again, but Dr. Weiland, is it OK for, you know, eight of your friends that you're in love with to take a dump in your bed and then you can sleep in it all year long?”

Um, Steve, honey, I know you might be new to The Gay Butt Sex, but if, to you, it means sleeping in human excrement, you’re doing it wrong.
Just sayin.
Last weekend we watched Saving Mr. Banks via On Demand on the DVR.

Tom Hanks was passable as Walt Disney, while Emma Thompson was her usual brilliant self as Mary Poppins author Mrs. P.L.  Travers.

But, in flashbacks, we got to see Colin Farrell as P.L’s father and all I can say, and could say, so often to Carlos that he finally stopped the movie to ask me to be quiet was:

Isn’t he dreamy?

Cuz he is.
We also watched the premiere episode of Showtime’s new Penny Dreadful Victorian-era set fright-fest.

I could do without Josh Hartnett who always looks like he needs a bath but then you have Harry Treadaway as Victor Frankenstein, Reeve Carney as Dorian Gray and the delicious Eva Green as the is-she-evil-or-is-she-not Vanessa Ives.

The first episode started off slowly, but built nicely toward the end, when the monster awoke, but I’m willing to invest because it’s populated by fabulous women, hot looking men, and a fairly cool story.

In good news, Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel now says he’s open to reviewing the military’s ban on transgender service members, though he cautioned that trans issues are logistically “a bit more complicated” than issues surrounding openly gay and lesbian service members:

“[Trans] issues require medical attention. Austere locations where we put our men and women, in many cases, don’t always provide that kind of opportunity…again, I go back to the bottom line – every qualified American who wants to serve our country should have an opportunity if they fit the qualifications and can do it. This is an area that we’ve not defined enough.”

And every trans person who wants to serve should be allowed to do so openly and honestly.
Down here in South Carolina, where, for once it’s not the stupidity, the state Senate approved a state budget that restores the $70,000 cut from the funding for two public universities over their use of LGBT-themed books.

On the stupidity side, though, the senate stipulated that the restored funds be used to teach the constitution and other founding documents.

Oy. I guess it’s still stupidity down here.
And, speaking of stupid, Alec Baldwin was arrested in New York City this week for riding his bike the wrong way down 5th Avenue.

He was stopped by officers for riding the wrong way and when they asked for ID, Baldwin got all belligerent — go figure — because he had no ID and don’t they know who he is?

Then he Tweeted about being arrested for breaking the law while complaining that the police didn’t arrest a photographer who ALLEGEDLY almost hit his daughter with a camera.
Note to Baldwin: riding a bike the wrong way down a street is a crime, while almost, ALMOST, hitting someone with a camera is not.

Grow up. Shut up. Go away.

Also, Donald Sterling. Stop.Talking. You only make yourself sound worse — and I never thought that possible — every time you open your yap.

And tell your wife to stop talking, too. She’s only speaking out about any of this because she wants her 50% of all your racist cash.

And tell V. that once you left the money on the nightstand, as payment for services rendered, she should stop speaking and go back to her street-corner until the next rich asshatted racist comes by.


  1. I like the last one; perhaps all the h8ers will die soon.

    and WHEN are the police gonna throw alec in jail just for being a douchebag?

  2. Dear God, Please stop burning up California!

  3. You know, for someone who finds gay sex depraved and disgusting, Steve Hickey certainly seems to have an overactive libido with scatalogical things. Whats next? Bestiality photos of children and dogs on his home PC? If I were a betting man...

  4. NOM. Everytime I hear nom, I think of the scene from vacation with Beverly D'Angelo teliing Imogene Coco after the car accident. " Sit down and shut up! Get out of that seat again, I'll split your lip! Meanwhile I think Sam and his boyfriend are adorable.

  5. the Karl Rove pic is pure genius.

  6. The conservative mind exasperates me... Why would anyone look or listen to anything Rove has to say???

    NOM does not need to disappear before they comply with court orders from several state courts and fully disclose their donors. None of us should let go of this until they do.

    Alec who??

    All the young straight guys around me think Collins & Sam are the coolest! Which I think is the coolest!

    Colin? I'd tickle his fancy...


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