
Wednesday, April 02, 2014

Mississippi: Where Hate Is Legal

 I was born in Mississippi, but, since my father was in the Air Force, we were transferred to California when I was about six months old. So, while I can say I was born there, I am not from there, which makes me happy now that I read this news.

This week Mississippi “lawmakers” passed the final version of a bill that says state and local governments cannot put a substantial burden on religious practices — meaning people can use their religious beliefs to discriminate against anyone, most notably The Gays.

They saw Arizona’s hate, and raised her one.

Supporters of the Mississippi Hate Bill — which may, or may not be the real name — say the final version of the bill bears little resemblance to Arizona’s failed measure, but opponents say the new law could allow people to cite religious beliefs in taking actions that discriminate against gay people, women or those of different racial backgrounds or faiths.

You know, “Those people.” But look, it’s Mississippi, not the most welcoming place on the planet, least of here in the US:
“We don’t have a lot of good will out there in the country to fall back on when it comes to a record against discrimination.”—Mississippi state Senator David Blount, Democrat
The bill — oh, it’s called the Mississippi Religious Freedom Restoration Act because, apparently, up until this week religion was a no-no in the state — was sponsored by Senator Phillip Gandy, a Republican, of course, and a Baptist minister, who decided to infuse his religious beliefs into law. But he isn’t the only wingnuttted asshat down there.

Representative Andy Gipson, another Republican legislator who is also a Baptist minister, says the new bill protects “Christians in the state from discrimination,” although he probably cannot name one single instance of a Christian being discriminated against.

I mean, it’s not like they’re gay or anything.

The Mississippi Hate Bill passed both the House and Senate with comfortable margins, though it was opposed by many, but not all Democrats, and now heads to the desk of Republican, of courses, Governor Phil Bryant, who may or may not be a Baptist minister too, and is expected to sign hate into law.

It’s like I said, you don’t want The Gays in your business, hang a sign on the door; but I certainly hope that a gay-owned business in Mississippi decides to refuse service to a gaggle of Christians, because then I get to see those bigots in the state house get riled up about that.

See, you can’t legislate in this country that it’s legal to discriminate against a person’s religious beliefs, but you can legislate that it’s legal to discriminate a person for their sexual orientation. Religion, though, is a choice, while orientation is not.

I am so glad I got out of that state before it rubbed off on me.


  1. What is up with these people? if you don't want to serve one particular swathe of the population don't go into business. Jesus didn't say that everyone except the gays could turn to him.......or perhaps he did in these people's version of the bible - The New Improved Book of Hatred

  2. One of these cases is going to make it to the Supreme Court. Our local case might be in there.

  3. what ever happened to "separation of church and state"? h8mongers!

  4. Well this wont stand for long. Some one will be denied service and file a law suit. Hopefully one that will cost the state millions to punish them for their hatefilled ways.


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