
Wednesday, March 05, 2014

Djuan Trent Comes Out

In the last year we’ve seen all kinds of folks come out of The Closet; professional basketball players, college athletes, celebrities, politicians, and even a prospective professional football player. It just proves what I’ve said all along: The Gays are like the Visa card, we’re everywhere you want to be.

But, one area in which we haven’t yet shown our visibility is in the area of beauty contests but maybe one day, some day …

Wait. What?

 Djuan Trent, Miss Kentucky 2010, has come out of the closet this week on the heels of that federal judge ruling that Kentucky must recognize same-sex marriages from other states.
“For months, I have been contemplating how I would write this post, how I would position it, when would be the right time to post it. Should I make it funny? Should I make it mysterious? Should I make it serious? Should I pick a special date to do it? Should I build some kind of anticipation around it?
Hmmm...ain't nobody got time for that. I have written and re-written and deleted and restarted this post more times than I care to share, and after all of that I have finally realized: "There ain't nothin' to it, but to do it." So, here we go folks...I am queer.”—Djuan Trent.
A gay beauty queen? Who’da thunk it. And then she continues with her story of coming out, and then having to come out again, as so many of us do:
“I could write about what it was like to come out to my mom for the third and final time at the age of 26 (the first time was when I was in the 4th grade and the second time was in college).
I could write about the years I spent praying to a God whom I wanted so badly to serve with all of my heart, but couldn't understand why this God made me "wrong".
I could write about all the times that people have asked me if I have a boyfriend and I've purposely chosen to just say "no" with no further explanation.
I could write about all the reasons I have been told I shouldn't be gay (that's an interesting list).
I could write about all the times I talked about how gross it was when a girl had a crush on me, even though I may have secretly liked her too.
I could write about how scared I have felt that I would have to watch friends and family members walk out of my life if I ever decided to come out.
I could write about how disappointed I have been in myself for being an open supporter by day, and living it up in the safety of the closet by  night. 
I could write books about all of those things...but what has really fueled my passion in writing today, has been this...
Last week, U.S. District Judge John G. Heyburn II ruled that Kentucky's prohibition violates the U.S. Constitution's guarantee of equal protection under the law by treating queer folks ‘differently in a way that demeans them.’
You can imagine the conversation that this ruling has sparked amongst Kentuckians — those who support as well as those who oppose. I have listened to people talk about "the abomination of our nation" and "Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve." I am not surprised that some people would react this way...I mean, if people didn't react that way, then there would be no need for a movement, no need to fight for OUR rights (ooh, "our"...that felt good).
This is not to say that I approve of the commentary, it's just to say that I am not surprised. But what has prompted my writing today has been my questioning people's constant assumption that a) I am hetero and b) I concur with their views and opinion.”
Welcome out Djuan, and thanks for breaking that stereotype of what it means to be  a beauty queen, for you have the beauty inside and out, and it matters not your orientation.

And since you’ve come out, well, we have some gifts for you: the Official Coming Out Toaster Oven and a copy of The Gay Agenda — with its one-word pronouncement: Equality.

Welcome out, Djuan, welcome out. 


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