
Friday, January 31, 2014

I Didn't Say It ....

Coca-Cola, a Sochi Olympics sponsor, on removing a social media tool from its website that banned the use of the word “gay”:

"We are aware that the Share a Coke promotion we are running in South Africa has generated an unintended outcome. We apologize for any offence caused. The Share a Coke programme was created to allow consumers to take the iconic “Coca-Cola” script and replace it with their name on the can. In South Africa, the digital version of the Share a Coke promotion did not properly limit the customisation to individuals’ names. We’ve taken down the site and are in the process of revising the digital tool immediately...As one of the world’s most inclusive brands, we value and celebrate diversity. We have long been a strong supporter of the LGBT community and have advocated for inclusion, equality and diversity through both our policies and practices. Again we apologize for any offense this has caused."

Don't apologize for "any" offense, apologize for "the" offense.
Apologize, and then shut up.
Queen Latifah, on officiating the 33 marriages at the Grammys:

“I look forward to the day when presiding over a historic wedding ceremony like this is just the norm. To me, it was special to all the couples we married today and I look forward to dashing off to go sign their marriage certificates. It’s awesome. I had to get sworn in as a commissioner for the state of California, so I’m not an ordained minister like I said, but I’m a commissioner. So you can call me to commish – Queen Commish!"

Mmmm, I have all kinds of reservations about Latifah and her gay-friendly, but gay-silent attitude.
She'll use us as a crowd for a performance, and she'll marry us, but she doesn';t want anyone to know she's one of us.
Tim Graham, of the Media Research Center, on the Grammy weddings:

“They can say this is not a stunt, but that's exactly what it is, a piece of musical agitprop to mock the traditional values of conservative American Christians, Jews, Muslims, and others. Entertainers never want to have a debate, just a series of arrogant 'statements' with no opportunity for a conversation as they flush the Bible on national TV."

So, love and marriage, mocks traditional values? And if they do, so what? Are traditional values the only kind anyone can have?
As I've said before, if you don't wanna witness a same-sex wedding don't go to one -- or turn the TV off when it comes on.
But don't mock my values, asshat.
Bill McElvaney, a Methodist pastor for 40 years, on being pro-marriage-equality:

“I think we need to take this position. It is long overdue in the United Methodist Church...This is a justice matter, but it's not just an issue. It's about people; it's about people being loved and accepted, and about the church being what it's called to be."

Gay folks are getting married, and if churches and ministers want to keep refusing, that's their right. But I imagine they'll change their tune when their memberships drop and the collection plates dry up because The Gays and The Gay Friendlies have walked away.
Lance Bass, on The Bachelor Juan Pablo Galavis’ gays are "perverted' comment:

"I don't hate him at all. I still think he's cute...Of course it's disappointing, because you don't want someone who (you) actually love to have those thoughts. ... When you grow up in a place like that, you get brainwashed into thinking that way, you know, you can't help what you grow up with...I mean, I grew up in Mississippi, so I know how people can get brainwashed into thinking really, really awful things. So hopefully, he will learn from this and get educated."

I don't hate Juan Pablo either, I just think he needs a little education, and a little more time to think before he opens his pretty little mouth again.
Queen Latifah, in 2008, on rumors she is a lesbian:

"I don’t have a problem discussing the topic of somebody being gay, but I do have a problem discussing my personal life. You don’t get that part of me. Sorry. We’re not discussing it in our meetings, we’re not discussing it at Cover Girl. They don’t get it, he doesn’t get it [she gestured toward her manager Shakim Compere’s office] — nobody gets that. I don’t feel like I need to share my personal life, and I don’t care if people think I’m gay or not. Assume whatever you want. You do it anyway."

I still say, what about all the young girls, especially young Black girls, who would see her as a role model if she came out?
Wouldn't that be great if, by saying she was gay, Latifah could help just one young girl accept herself?
John Aravosis, from Americablog, on Latifah’s refusal to discuss her ALLEGED gay-ness:

“One big problem with Latifah’s position is that she’s sending a message that there is a problem.  She’s signaling that there’s something wrong with being gay. … People can defend Latifah’s choice, claiming that she has a right to privacy.  And Latifah can talk all she wants about her desire to protect her “private life.”  But straight Americans – and particularly celebrities – don’t invoke the right to privacy when you simply inquire about the well-being of their spouse.  And they don’t rail about their “private life” when you ask, “how goes the girlfriend? ...The only time celebrities try to hide who they’re dating is when it’s someone else’s spouse, an underage child, an animal, a corpse, or a gay.”

Silence in speaking about your sexual orientation or your dating life, is totally tour business, but Aravosis is right that, in keeping silent, you feed the notion that the religious right and the conservative political zealots have, that being gay is something to hide, to be ashamed of, and it's not.
We don't want to know the intimate details of Latifah's private life, but since she keeps wading into our lives -- appearing at Pride fests, officiating same-sex weddings -- the least she can do is come out.
Steve Palazzo, a Mississippi Republican, in his campaign on Facebook in response to the Grammy wedding:

"Unfortunately, Hollywood doesn't value the same conservative beliefs we do in Mississippi. Last night's demonstration at the #Grammys is a perfect example of their disconnect."

Oh, I think you'd be surprised at how many people in  Mississippi had no problem with those marriages.
It's only goose-stepping Republicans who got their hate riled up.
Michele Bachman, wingnut republican and beard, planning to sue the President:

"He’s the president of the United States — he’s not a king. He may think he’s a king, he may declare himself king, but that’s not what he is under our Constitution. We’ll sue the president of the United States and force him to no longer act unilaterally. If he wants to go forward with his unilateral activity, he better be prepared for the lawsuit that the United States Congress will bring. Obamacare is the passed law of the land and yet the president has changed Obamacare at least 17 times on his own, unilaterally, without going through the legislative action that he’s required to do under the United States Congress. That’s just one. He also said that he would refuse to uphold the [Defense of Marriage Act], which he is required by law to uphold. He’s done this multiple times and he’s also threatened — we can’t say we weren’t warned — he’s threatened us tonight that he’s going to act unilaterally."

Honey, your time in Congress is nearly up, and you must be tired from acting the fool for all these years, exhausted trying to remember all the idiotic notions you spout.
Take a seat, Michele, and be quiet.


  1. There was a mass wedding at the Grammys - see the things I miss!!

  2. @TDM
    and the wingnuts wingnutted.

  3. stoopid wingnuts! no one was forcing them to watch the grammys.

    I'd do lance bass if he batted for my team.

  4. Hey, Tim Graham, some "traditional values" deserve to be mocked.

  5. catholic church rearing its ugly head again; is the Mr Nice Guy act just an act?


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