
Friday, November 08, 2013

I Didn't Say It ...

President Barack Obama, on ENDA: 
"As a result, millions of LGBT Americans go to work every day fearing that, without any warning, they could lose their jobs — not because of anything they've done, but simply because of who they are. ... It's offensive. It's wrong. And it needs to stop, because in the United States of America, who you are and who you love should never be a fireable offense. ...  Americans ought to be judged by one thing only in their workplaces: their ability to get their jobs done. Does it make a difference if the firefighter who rescues you is gay -- or the accountant who does your taxes, or the mechanic who fixes your car? If someone works hard every day, does everything he or she is asked, is responsible and trustworthy and a good colleague, that's all that should matter."

It can’t get any simpler.

Roger Ross Williams, openly gay documentarian, and creator of the film God Loves Uganda:
"One of the biggest anti-gay pastors invited me to his house for dinner. And I got there and thought, 'Oh my God, this is an ambush.' The pastors who are fighting the spread of homosexuality were all sitting there, not smiling. They pulled out the e-mail and said, 'We know that you are a homosexual.' I was terrified because I'd watched them hold up Bibles and say, 'This book says these people must be killed.' I was silent. 'But, Roger, we're going to help you, we're going to cure you.' They then just started praying over me."

Roger Ross Williams is still gay, proving, yet again, that it cannot be prayed away.

Kerry Washington, on the rumors that she’s a lesbian: 
“It’s interesting how much people long to fill in the gaps when someone in the public eye doesn’t share their personal life. I understand their frustration. I like how people will post pictures of me with other women that I adore, hugging on red carpets, and say, ‘See?’ Are we so uncomfortable with love between two people of the same gender that we immediately label it as sexual? But I’ve never been bothered by the lesbian rumor. There’s nothing offensive about it, so there’s no reason to be offended.”

Another reason why I just loves me some Kerry Washington.

Rob James-Collier, of Downton Abbey, on whether it's easier to kiss men or women on screen:
"I found [kissing men] easier. The way I was thinking was that if you kiss a girl you worry about: 
1) How big her boyfriend is; 
2) Is he in the building watching and is he going to kick the s**t out of you?; and 
3) What is my missus going to think of it? 
So we went to the BFI for a big unveiling on the cinema screen, and the missus knew [the kiss] was coming, and we were all sitting watching it and I thought 'Nice one, she can't accuse me of anything', and the missus turned to me and said 'You've never kissed me like that'."

Love that story!
Plus, Rob is hot.

Sally Kern, Oklahoma wingnut, homophobe and politician, on the legal marriage of Jason Pickel and Darren Black Bear by the Arapaho Cheyenne tribe:
"I find it kind of sad that this tribe is not willing to recognize what 75 percent of the voters of Oklahoma declared years ago, that marriage is a union between one man and one woman. Those of us who are Christians, who believe the Bible, are we going to have to give that up to satisfy the minority group that wants to redefine marriage...They can love whomever they want, there’s no laws right now that prevents two people of the same sex from living together."

I find it sad that you seek to impose your moronic viewpoint onto everyone else. That tribe understands love ifs love.
You don’t. You lose.

Portia de Rossi, on being a Lesbian:
"I just didn't want to be a lesbian. I'd never met one for a start and I just thought they were strange and that they hated men and they were very serious ... I had these ridiculous images in my head and there were no out celebrities or politicians or anybody that I could look to and go, 'Oh, I could be like that' ... There was nobody that I could say, 'I could date her and I want to be like her' ... I just kind of thought I don't want to live like this. I don't have to, I don't need to, I just shut down the emotional life."

And then came Ellen. 
It’s funny, though, the shame the gay person is made to feel about being gay; the stereotypes of us that we think are real and are the only way to be, when in fact we are just like everyone else, every size and shape and color and gender, except in whom we love.

Mike Michaud, Maine Representative, and candidate for Governor, coming out:
“When I entered the race for governor, I did so because I love the state of Maine and am tired of seeing it dragged in the wrong direction. There was never any question that it would be a tough race, but I know I have the vision, the experience and the commitment to lead Maine forward. … Once I jumped to an early lead in the polls, I knew it was only a matter of time before individuals and organizations intent on re-creating the uncertainty that led to our current governor’s election three years ago would start their attacks. … So I wasn’t surprised to learn about the whisper campaigns, insinuations and push-polls some of the people opposed to my candidacy have been using to raise questions about my personal life. They want people to question whether I am gay. … Allow me to save them the trouble with a simple, honest answer: “Yes I am. But why should it matter?”

It shouldn’t, and hopefully the voters in Maine get that.
And please accept, as a Coming Out present, a cpoy of The Gay Agenda and the Official Coming Out Toaster Oven.
Welcome out!

Eminem, on why he still uses the word "faggot" in his lyrics:
"I don't know how to say this without saying it how I've said it a million times. But that word, those kind of words, when I came up battle-rappin' or whatever, I never really equated those words [to actually mean 'homosexual']...It was more like calling someone a bitch or a punk or a--hole. So that word was just thrown around so freely back then. It goes back to that battle, back and forth in my head, of wanting to feel free to say what I want to say, and then [worrying about] what may or may not affect people. And, not saying it's wrong or it's right, but at this point in my career – man, I say so much s--t that's tongue-in-cheek. I poke fun at other people, myself."

To put it simply: when you know better, you do better.
Eminem doesn’t know any better, and he is no different that the white Southern racist who still uses the N-word because that’s the word he’s grown up using.
You can say you don’t mean it in the way others do, but howsabout not using it at all.



  1. Dear Sally, you do not have the right to order society to fit your religious convictions. What don't you get about that?

  2. Sally's a moron.

  3. sally, you are one ugly beeyotch! STFU!

  4. Is Eminem even relevant in the rap world now? Or is he just a has been, whose die hard fans will buy anything he vomits up?

    I like that fella running for office in Maine! What a way to get out ahead of the nonsense!

    Love me some Portia!


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