
Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Linda Oliver, Mayor of West Union, South Carolina, Hates Queers

I’ve talked before about coming to Smallville and thinking about returning to The Closet. I mean, after living in California and Miami, where, while not everyone was LGBT-friendly, it was easy to be open and out. But then came Smallville, South Carolina — real name Camden, South Carolina — and I didn’t know how a rural southern Bible-belted Red State might take to a couple of queers moving in.

So I kept quiet about being one of those homersextical fellers; I thought it best; I thought, Whose business is it anyway? But then, again, I got tired of adjusting my pronouns, or even omitting the notion of a significant other in casual conversation, so I began saying “my partner” and “Carlos and I’. And I was stunned by the reaction because there was none. Not once in the almost seven years we’ve lived has anyone said anything derogatory to me about Carlos and me, or about any LGBT person.

Now, I’m no fool — well, not much of one, at any rate — and I know that maybe some folks weren’t saying the nasty things to my face, but were saving them for when my back was turned, but, hey, if I don’t hear it, then I ain’t bothered by it. And I still talk about Carlos and me, our life together; just last week I talked about having our thirteenth anniversary and everyone I told was congratulatory and happy for us; some even joked that thirteen years in a same-sex, cannot legally marry in South Carolina relationship, was like a Silver Anniversary, heterosexually-speaking.

But not all of South Carolina is so welcoming — go figure — and that’s what I’m here for today.

Out in a place called West Union, South Carolina, a town of about 300 people some three hours from Camden, up in the Blue Ridge Mountains, Linda Oliver is the mayor and she is very clear that she does not like The Gays. Last week, when the register of deeds in Buncombe County, North Carolina allowed 11 same sex couples to apply for marriage licenses Linda Oliver was incensed.
"I don't want it rammed down my throat. All I can say is if people want to crucify me that's fine. I know that following Jesus, I'm going to be crucified."—Linda Oliver
So she took to her Facebook page to vent her anger, using the word ‘queer’ as opposed to gay or even homosexual. Those who saw her posts, blasted her for her use of the word ‘queer’ — which many in the gay community find offensive, especially in the derogatory way Oliver said it.
"What's it gonna take to get these queers to realize they don't need a piece of paper. God will not bless their union because he plainly speaks against queers in the Bible. Want to cover your queer with insurance? Buy a policy. Want your queer to get your stuff when you die? Make a will."
And then she deleted her comments, which is what scared little chickens do when they realize they’ve done the wrong thing; try to erase it. One comment, though, wasn’t having it:
"She deleted her original comments because she has no backbone."
And she’s trying to backtrack from offensiveness:
"I have apologized, it's on there if people would just read the feed. They're focusing on the word and I apologized for that. If people would read the whole thing they'll see that I plainly said I will not say that anymore, I'll say homosexual."
And now, still on Facebook, there has been a new page created that demands Oliver be removed as mayor of West Union and she wants y’all to know that her feelings are hurt; too.
"What I'm emotional about is because my feelings- the way I feel toward homosexuals is how I've been brought up."
Oh Linda, don’t blame this on your upbringing. Lotsa folks have been brought up one way or another, right or wrong, and learned what’s acceptable and not acceptable behavior. You believe gays are queers and don’t deserve being treated, not even equally, but with respect, and you want us all to feel sorry for you because you learned to call gay folks queers at your Pappy’s knee. Grow up; times have changed. I imagine you also grew up hearing the n-word, but I can bet you don’t use that when talking about Black people; you’ve learned that lesson.

But she’s still whining and still playing n the victim, telling a local news channel:
"All I can say is if people want to crucify me that's fine. I know that following Jesus, I'm going to be crucified...And I got lambasted because I quoted the bible and stuff like that on Facebook and that's the way I feel...I have apologized, it's on there if people would just read the feed. They're focusing on the word and I apologized for that. If people would read the whole thing they'll see that I plainly said I will not say that anymore, I'll say homosexual...What I'm emotional about is because my feelings- the way I feel toward homosexuals is how I've been brought up."
You quoted the Bible? Oh honey, do tell me where the Bible calls gay folks queers? Tell me where I can see that passage. And while we’re at it, let’s discuss and dissect your other idiotic statements.

You think the queers need just make a will? Do you know how many gay men and women, whose partner s have died, and have left a will leaving all their possessions to their partner, have to face legal cases because a blood relative wants that chunk of inheritance and demands that the surviving partner is not family?

A will doesn’t do much when a blood relative takes the case to court.

The Gays want equality; the things you take for granted, like getting married, having a family, living a life, buying homes, keeping a job? We want that, and we want it without fear of retribution. We want it because we’re equal.

And honey, believe me when I say, I have nothing that I would want to shove down your throat; you aren’t my type.

I don’t do bigots.



  1. Oh Linda, get off the cross, we need the wood. I've been following this story for a few days and I think what she really needs now is a pair of tap shoes and a banjo.

    In New Orleans last month I saw a story on the news about a small town up state that was dealing with a similar problem. Why is it that they all use the same line - "I follow Jesus, so I know I'll be crucified." WTF? I guess she missed the part where Jesus died for her sins, she doesn't have to...

    Blaming your upbringing is also a staple of the Bigot Southern Strategy, and it used to work. Not no more!

    Thankfully, these trolls are either dying off or being taken down for this stuff.


  2. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Oh, dear Lord. I grew up to go to a Roman Catholic church every Sunday, hate "queers" and minority groups while living in a Latino household!

    Obviousiy I evolved over the years once I got away from that environment. What's her excuse other than willful ignorance?

  3. She's homophobic because that's how she was raised? There is nothing more pathetic than an adult still trying to please a dead parent! It's time she learned to think for herself--or should I say, wake up and smell the coffee?

  4. Only like 10 more states and we reach the tipping point.

  5. bitch! I grew up in an abusive household, but I don't treat others the way I was treated. methinks the bitch protests too much; may she be run outta town on a rail!

  6. O always think that that when people say "It's because my religion forbids it" (in this case homosexuality, though that too is debatable) all one needs to say is that if you disagree with that teaching then for goodness sake change your religion. If you agree then that's YOUR choice, not your religion's or, in this case, your 'upbringing' - and THAT is what you've got to stand up to defend, not blame it on someone else. That truly is the manner of a coward.


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