
Tuesday, October 01, 2013

David Bromstad Pals Around With The Salvation Army

Although you’d never know it by watching any of his appearances on the network  they prefer to keep their star's sexual orientation on the Down Low   but HGTV’s David Bromstad is a gay man. He’s also a rather idiotic man.

See, David Bromstad is hosting an event for the Salvation Army next month in Fort Lauderdale and many of his fans — and I’ll count myself as one, or at least I used to count myself as one — are angry.

See, we all know, and if you didn’t before you do now, that the Salvation Army is an in-your-face, blatantly anti-LGBT organization. The Salvation Army calls being gay an “unacceptable urge”, and the Salvation Army is working against same-sex marriage legislation in both the United Kingdom and Australia; the group has threatened to stop serving New York City if it had to obey an equal benefits ordinance, and just recently  see post HERE  Major Andrew Craibe, a Salvation Army Media Relations Director, said that gays should be put to death.

Yes. Death. But Bromstad is standing firm in his participation in the event, posting this on his Facebook page:
Dear fans, 
I've read your feedback on my participation with The Salvation Army USA, as an openly gay person whom just happens to also be a celebrity, I took the Salvation Army's request to participate in their fundraiser as one step in the right direction towards equality. If we simply separate ourselves from those that we assume appose us or our beliefs then we will never make strides in the right direction. I applaud the Salvation Army's symbolic handshake towards acceptance and would be foolish to not extend my hand in acceptance.
The Salvation Army wants you dead, David. They are not extending an olive branch or offering a handshake. You are unacceptable to them, and they have said so time and again, and as recently as last week.

You are a commodity to them — especially in Florida where you are quite popular— and a name that will attract crowds; they will overlook your blatant homosexuality because you’ll make them some cash and make them look good, and then the minute you step off the stage they’ll go back to saying that you should be put to death.

I think you’d better serve the rights of the LGBT and a charity organization by working with one that supports the LGBT community and doesn’t want us slaughtered for our unacceptable urges. But I’m guessing to you that it’s a nice paycheck, and maybe that’s all that matters to you.

I find that unacceptable.


  1. Career Suicide.

    I hope this last paycheck is a good one.

  2. Even though, they do a lot of good,Never could stand the Salvation Army with the bell ringing. I have always wanted to shove it up the bell ringers ass. I direct my funds for other causes that help my community. But as for David Bromstad, I have a feeling his jeans are just a tad too tight cutting the air off. He is cute , but I have a feeling not the brightest bulb on Broadway.

  3. Anonymous7:06 PM

    Between him and Elton John, what are these fools thinking by accepting money from people who want to kill us?

  4. While I despise the Salvation Army, in times of catastrophe, they are there for victims, and they are fast on the scene. I understand Bob why you don't like them, and I don't like them for the exactl reason. And I like David Bromstead even less. He's one of the gay people in the entertainment industry that I would love to slap.

  5. While I despise the Salvation Army, in times of catastrophe, they are there for victims, and they are fast on the scene. I understand Bob why you don't like them, and I don't like them for the exactl reason. And I like David Bromstead even less. He's one of the gay people in the entertainment industry that I would love to slap.

  6. I don't support any charity that includes religion as part of its ethos and, after your posts, am even more convinced that this is the way to go. The Salvation Army's attitude is totally unacceptable

  7. I concur and am disappointed in David. If he wants to help the Salvation Army move their views towards homosexuality, then he should suggest before he lends his name and brand to them, they need to modify their views.

  8. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Wow bitter bitter bitter queens. Mr Bromstad has been and will continue to be a stanch supporter of LGBT and equal right issues. He's been at the forefront of change towards acceptance and puts himself out there every day to further that cause. He is not the enemy to gay rights you are with your confrontational, refusing to negotiate ideals. You make me embarrassed to be gay. Have we really sunk so low as to attack our own allies, whom obviously share our same beliefs simply because he or they believe in a different path to getting there. Have you seen the awards he's received for his endeavors towards equality. Try googling you then try googling him then make your determination as to whom has done more for LGBT rights. I'd venture to say him. All you naysayers are nothing more then HYPOCRITES and detrimental to the movement. Shame on all of you. I'm disgusted by every one of you short sighted bitter, vile, jealous queens.

  9. Oh Anon, if that is your real name.
    I don't care what Bromstad has done for the LGBT community, this piece was not about that.

    It was about a gay man taking a check from, and promoting, a group that wishes him PUT TO DEATH for being gay. I wasn't attacking an"ally" I was attacking a brother who sees an opportunity to cash a check as more valuable than his soul.

    If you could do that,if you could stand on a stage with people who have said, SAID, that you should be put to death, then you are detrimental to the LGBT movement.


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