
Monday, July 01, 2013

Rick Perry: ISBL Asshat of the Decade

I know, I know, you’re saying, ‘But Bob, it’s only 2013! Surely someone more deserving of this award will come up.’

To which I say, ‘Oh hell no.’

Rick Perry is such an asshat, such a delusional moron, he makes George Bush look like a member of Mensa. But, worse than being out-of-touch, narrow-minded, and stupid, he’s also dangerous because he’s, well, out-of-touch, narrow-minded, and stupid.

This is the man who said, of The Gays:
“Even if an alcoholic is powerless over alcohol once it enters his body, he still makes a choice to drink. And, even if someone is attracted to a person of the same sex, he or she still makes a choice to engage in sexual activity with someone of the same gender.”
Huh? So, being gay is like being an alcoholic?

Then he said this, about the BP oil spill: 
“From time to time there are going to be things that occur that are acts of God that cannot be prevented.”
Yes, folks, Rick Perry said the BP oil spill was God’s fault.

But, in light of the recent abortion debate and filibuster in the Texas statehouse, I have come across another Rick Perry quote that seals his fate as the ISBL Asshat of the Decade.
See, while many around the country, and even in Texas, have called Texas state senator, Wendy Davis a hero for standing on her feet for 11 hours to filibuster an anti-abortion bill, Governor, and Not Gay, Dammit, Rick Perry said this about her:
"Even the woman who filibustered the Senate the other day was born into difficult circumstances. She was the daughter of a single woman, she was a teenage mother herself. She managed to eventually graduate from Harvard Law School and serve in the Texas senate. It is just unfortunate that she hasn’t learned from her own example that every life must be given a chance to realize its full potential and that every life matters."
First off, Miss Ricky, she’s an elected official of the state of Texas, learn her goddamned name! 

Secondly, you dumbass, she is pro-choice, which does not mean that she is pro-abortion. Those two things are quite different. And her mother, that single mother, made the choice to have her child and not to have an abortion because it’s her right to choose. And Wendy Davis also made the choice to have her child, because it is her right.

You, sir, are so delusional, and so one-note, and so pandering to the ultra-conservative factions of the GOP that you cannot even differentiate a woman who chooses  to have a child, and a woman who chooses, for whatever reason, because it is her right, to terminate her pregnancy.

Woman who are single mothers are automatically inducted into the Pro-Life movement any more than women who are Pro-Choice have an abortion just because they believe it’s their right to do so.

I could rant, and rage and spit and hiss, but, since I also #StandWithWendy, I’m gonna give her the last word before signing off:
"Rick Perry's statement is without dignity and tarnishes the high office he holds. They are small words that reflect a dark and negative point of view. Our governor should reflect our Texas values. Sadly, Gov. Perry fails that test."—Wendy Davis

She was much kinder than I, but this is my blog and I’ll rant if I want to, and I’ll crown Miss Ricky Perry, the Oh So Not Gay Governor of Texas, as the ISBL Asshat of the Decade.


  1. You've set a high bar for other AHs to aspire to reach!

  2. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Yes, she's quite an asshat. There's no fixing stupid.

  3. not only an asshat, but a douchebag too!


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