
Tuesday, April 23, 2013

So Sorry To Hear Your Mother Passed Away But, You're Fired

Carla Hale teaches, er, used to teach, at Bishop Watterson High School in Columbus, Ohio. But last month, after taking time off when her mother passed away, Hale returned to work to find the administrators waiting for her with a letter from an anonymous parent. This, for lack of a better word, ‘parent’ was apparently distressed that Carla Hale had listed the name of her female partner in her mother’s obituary, and decided to write to the Roman Catholic Diocese of Columbus.

Carlos Hale was fired because she is in a gay relationship.

The story could end there because this was a Catholic school and the Catholic Church hates The Gays and blame The Gays for everything, but then the students and other supporters at Bishop Watterson High School created an online petition at to seek Hale’s reinstatement; as of this morning there are nearly 8,000 signatures including mine. You can add your name HERE.

The petition states, in part:
The diocese claims its mission is to teach its students about love, acceptance, and tolerance, and yet it did none of this in the way it treated Ms. Hale. That is why we all have to stand up together and let it be known that this decision is unacceptable. If we do not fight this issue now, it will happen again, and that is not something we can allow.
And there are all kinds of responses from current and former students of Carla Hale, asking that she be allowed to continue doing the thing she loves so much. Past and present students say it was known, or at least suspected, that Carla Hale was gay, but she never discussed her personal life with her students.

Lindsey Perkins, a 2001 Watterson graduate, called Hale a “wonderful teacher and amazing role model” whom Watterson should be proud to have on staff: “It’s just a very poignant time for something like this to happen, and hopefully for people to start realizing that we need to practice acceptance and humility to all people.”

Peter Clark, a 2011 Watterson graduate, said Hale was a compassionate, understanding teacher who was fired for something that “has nothing to do with education”: “It’s a disgusting display of hypocrisy by the education system that I was once so proud of.”

Ian James, co-founder of the FreedomOhio, is concerned that Carla Hale’s privacy had been violated: “But for the fact that she is in a committed relationship and it’s in her mother’s obit, no one would know. It seems so inherently wrong and callous ... to say, ‘In addition to losing your mother, you lose your career.’  ”

For her part Carla Hale is astounded by the support:  “It’s amazing that they’ve come together and rallied around this situation. I’m in awe of them.”

Now, to be fair, the contract between the Columbus Diocese and the Central Ohio Association of Catholic Educators, does say that teachers can be terminated for “immorality” or “serious unethical conduct” but, seriously, in 2013 are we still going to say that being gay is immoral or unethical? After 19 years on the job, the mention of one name in a newspaper obituary is enough to erase nearly two decades of service as a teacher?

George Jones, a spokesman for the diocese, has no comment, other than saying personnel matters are confidential. Not personal lives, mind you, like Carla Hale’s.

Hale, who is not Catholic, but Methodist, has filed a grievance under the terms of the contract, seeking her job back and says she hopes the reaction to her dismissal spurs Catholic leaders to reconsider their stance on gay relationships.

I’ve a feeling it won’t, but we can always hope.


  1. "Now, to be fair, the contract between the Columbus Diocese and the Central Ohio Association of Catholic Educators, does say that teachers can be terminated for “immorality” or “serious unethical conduct” but, seriously, in 2013 are we still going to say that being gay is immoral or unethical?"

    Not so fast. The Catholic Church teaches very clearly that "being gay," in the sense of being attracted predominantly to members of the same sex, is not unethical or immoral. What the Church says is immoral is engaging in sexual activity with someone of the same sex.

    Note that "Past and present students say it was known, or at least suspected, that Carla Hale was gay, but she never discussed her personal life with her students." I think it's safe to assume that if students were aware of it, so were at least some in administration. But they apparently never made an issue of it, never launched an inquisition. But then Ms. Hale made the mistake of publicizing her private life and thereby forced the diocese's hand when it was brought to their attention.

    It's unfortunate that a parent decided to call this to the attention of the diocese, but nobody should be shocked or angry that the Catholic Church lives in accordance with its moral beliefs and enforces contracts.

  2. "the Catholic Church hates The Gays and blame The Gays for everything"

    Just for the record, that's false. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and treat it as knowingly wild hyperbole, because if you meant it, it would be a vicious lie.

    There are some people, such as Adnrew Marin and Justin Lee and Melinda Selmys, who call on Christians to engage homosexuals with "respect, compassion, and sensitivity," as the Catechism of the Catholic Church puts it. This is made more difficult when militants like you stir people up and thereby impede a reciprocal respect.

    Instead of using this sort of inflammatory hyperbole, you should try to discuss issues calmy and realistically. When attack people, they think you're their enemy, and they have to defeat you. When you discuss disagreements with them, they can welcome you.

  3. It really is biting your nose off to spite your face.

  4. @ naturgesetz
    The Columbus Diocese and the Central Ohio Association of Catholic Educators are the ones who say teachers can be fired for “immorality” or “serious unethical conduct” and then fired Carla for being gay. I mean, after 19 years on the job what else was she fired for?

    So they fired her for being gay, immoral, unethical. That's on them.

    And I don't have a problem with Catholics, I have a problem with the Catholic Church and those in charge, and those who speak on behalf of the Church.

    They have long said that being gay, The Gays, are responsible for the so-called decline in morality,m the so-called destruction of traditional marriage, and have even blamed AIDS on The Gays.

    I take umbrage with that and always will. Again, The Church, not the faithful.

  5. If you, as a reader haven't signed the petition on behalf of Ms. Hale, please do so.

    There is more on this going on behind the scenes. Being a 29 year resident of Columbus, and living ten minutes from this school, we know many, many families that sent their children to Watterson and the Alumni, and the Alumni Parents are enraged about this.

    There was a standing room only community wide meeting at Studio 35 on this topic, and it was resoundingly in Hale's favor.

    There is also the possibility that if this goes to litigation there could very well be a probe into how evenly the CCD applies this morals clause. Case in point, on Monsigner Flett who was caught engaging in public sex, who was not terminated, not reassigned, but given sabbatical, reinstated, and then caught engaging in sex in public again. Flett was not terminated, but transferred to another assignment. The argument is, how do you protect a man caught exposing himself, but terminate a woman who's partner's name appears in in her mother's death notice.

    There was also something that I didn't see mentioned in this article - Columbus has very clear language regarding the protection of LGTB employees in their jobs, and it does NOT give an exclusion to religious organizations or entities. The Mayor of Columbus, Michael Coleman has PUBLICLY come out in support of Hale, not the CCD, making it difficult for the Columbus Bishop to save face.

  6. I was disappointed and saddened when I read this post and clicked on the comment button to say that. Then I read one of the comments and was horrified. The commentor suggests the prevailing view is to treat gays with "respect, compassion, and sensitivity". Firing an educator for including all the members of her family in their family's grief is an example of treating people with "respect, compassion, and sensitivity"?

    The world would be a better place if only those who are victims of injustice or who are offended by it would try to be nicer to the people who commit injustice. How sad.

  7. after working within the archdiocese of detroit for 7 years in a classroom teacher, going through a school closing, getting laid off because of low enrollment, and then watching my friends still teaching in the archdiocese struggle to make do with less and less, while at the same time lawsuit after lawsuit is filed charging the religious in my area with immoral and indecent acts,i can say for certain their is a double standard that protects the clergy (who are abusing children) yet punishes teachers. serving the public with compassion? only if there's any money in the coffers left after all the lawsuits against the clergy.....

    i hope she takes her fight all the way to the supreme court!


  8. the catholic church is full of hypocrits, extortionists, pedophiles, and liars.

    poor naturgesetz is delusional; get some help, honey.

    (says the ex-catholic since 1977)

  9. I am too the point of really despising Catholics, like gulity by assocoation, and their damn views.In 2013, I can't believe this is still such a issue. I hope she does win her case and get her job back to prove she could and then tell them to shove it up their ass. What's amazing thought is that the students act more grown up and tolerate.

  10. Just wanted to say, that the only way to achieve getting anywhere with all of this kind of stuff going on with gay people and equality is to take action. By that I don't mean signing a petition. Pull the kids out of the school. Actions speak louder then words!

  11. I would ask that people keep in mind that in Catholic Church, there are many viewpoints. However it is the male Church Administration that is at fault, and has been at fault for the past 2000 years when it comes to hypocrisy and the abuse of power.

    I would ask that those of you who are angry at Catholics to remember that it is Catholic students and school alumni who have the greatest voice in getting this educator back her job, and hundreds of them, at this moment are working within the system to do just that. Ad that is something that never would have happened forty years ago.

  12. Anonymous10:23 PM

    Now wait a minute - one person bitched and now Hale is out of a job?

    A good friend of mine taught at a Catholic school. He got laid off recently. But they knew he was gay and said nothing.

    I guess it all depends on the diocese to be honest. Here our bishop is anti-gay but there is one publicly supportive priest and I suspect a whole bunch that are privately supportive of LGBT rights.


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