
Thursday, March 21, 2013

Random Musings

A little Lindsay Lohan, being sentenced last Monday, and looking like she'd been rode hard, gotten trashed, and put away wet, smack-talking her lawyer. I think we'll know who to blame if Mark Heller ends up in the Hudson.

In yet another case of that GOP game Pot.Kettle.Black. we have Republican New York Assemblyman Steve Katz, known for being very loud in his opposition to medical marijuana. Since I imagine you know where this is going so let’s just get there:
Last Thursday morning, Katz was ticketed near Albany, accused of speeding and …. wait for it …. marijuana possession.
Katz was pulled over for driving 80 mph in a 65 mph zone, police said. The state trooper noted the smell of marijuana when he approached Katz’s car, and Katz turned over a small bag of what appeared to be marijuana.
Steve Katz released a statement: "This should not overshadow the work I have done over the years for the public and my constituency."  
There’s a little show on the History Channel called The Bible: it’s on the History Channel because it’s a history book, not a how-to, or a how-I-should, it’s a history book. But, apparently, in last week’s episode, the Devil made an appearance and folks are saying he looks strikingly like President Obama [that’s the Devil up there.]
No one associated with the show has commented on the story, but let’s take a quick look-see at the men that The Bible producer, Mark Burnett hired as consultants:
  • Pastor Joel Osteen, who said "I don't believe homosexuality is God's best for a person's life" and called it "sin" many times.
  • Pastor Rick Warren, who compares being gay to poison, and compared acting on gay urges to assault.
  • Pastor T.D. Jakes, who has called homosexuality a "brokenness".
  • Bishop Michael Sheridan, Sheridan who calls homosexuality “intrinsically evil” and told Catholics who voted for same-sex marriage that they can no longer received Communion.
  • Jim Daly, president of Focus on the Family, a rabid anti-LGBT group.
  • Reverend Samuel Rodriguez, who worked alongside NY state senator Ruben Diaz to fight same-sex marriage.
These are the people that Burnett chooses to advise him on the making of his fictional TV show about the Bible. Conservatives who hate The Gays and loathe the President.
Nice going Burnett.
So, the MGB™ spoke at CPAC and made jokes about her husband having the guns while she has the rack.
Classy. Savvy. Political.
Then she swigged Pig's Blood from a Big Gulp and made a comment about NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg's failed attempt to get Jumbo Sodas off the street.
Hey GOP? If this is what you wanna hear at your conclaves, you really are out of touch and might just wanna sit out the 2016 elections because you're gonna lose, again.
Karen's out, Ivy's back in. That's what I call Good News and that's all I'm saying about it.
Last year the people of North Carolina voted to add discrimination written into their state Constitution by banning same-sex marriage. This year, the Green Street United Methodist Church in Winston-Salem has announced it will stop performing all marriages until United Methodist pastors are allowed to officiate at marriages for same-sex couples:
“On the matter of same-sex marriage, Green Street UMC sees injustice in the legal position of state government and the theological position of our denomination. North Carolina prohibits same-sex marriage and all the rights and privileges marriage brings. The Leadership Council has asked that their ministers join others who refuse to sign any State marriage licenses until this right is granted to same- sex couples.”
A little pocket of equality in an otherwise discriminatory state.
So, in the same week that Hillary Clinton came out for same-sex marriage. And the same week that GOP Senator Rob Portman also came out for marriage equality, comes some interesting news from New Mexico.
The City of Santa Fe thinks same-sex marriage is already is legal and they are about to make it official. 
Santa Fe Mayor Coss and Councilor Bushee announced that they are sponsoring an official resolution “recognizing that same-sex marriage is legal in New Mexico and encouraging New Mexico’s county clerks to issue licenses to same-sex couples.”
See, Santa Fe’s City Attorney Geno Zamora dug into the law and found that:
  • New Mexico’s laws do not define marriage as between a man and a woman, the definitions are gender-neutral,  
  • A statutory list of prohibited marriages does not list same-sex couples;
  • Same-sex marriages from other states are already recognized by New Mexico law;
  • To discriminate against same-sex couples would violate the New Mexico Constitution which requires equality under the law regardless of sex.
The city says the resolution provides the legal justification for county clerks to issue marriage licenses to loving, committed couples and tells couples how to file suit if they are denied.
In.New.Mexico. Yip-freakin-eeeee!
I guess I was being an optimist because I thought it would take longer, but, no, I now realize that the children of Newton are dead and buried; and forgotten. This week Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid decided not to include a ban on assault weapons in new gun control legislation. Since Reid believes it wouldn’t pass, he decided to just forget about it.
Also scrapped this week was new legislation to limit the size of ammunition feeders; this was part of Senator Dianne Feinstein's bill as well, but now it is expected that this part of the bill will be separated and considered individually.
The NRAS has won, again, because most of our elected officials are deep in the back pocket of the National Rifle Association with their lips pressed firmly to NRA ass.
And children die.
And people die.
While politicians kowtow to the NRA.
Scott McGillvray, host of one of my favorite HGTV shows, Income Property, not just because I learn some DIY tips, but because he's cute.
And has a big hammer.
Just sayin'.


  1. okay, that last tweet - classic.

  2. You're a riot!

    Is SMASH still on? How can I tell it from GLEE?

    PS: Scott McGillvray is MINE! I've been stalking him for years!

  3. Anonymous5:54 PM

    I didn't know Smash was still on. I thought it died a slow death?

  4. The funniest was when Lindsay baby got "glitter bombed" on her way into the courthouse.

  5. Scott McGillvray - I'd like him to hammer me!

  6. Our Senators and Representatives should be forced to look at the crime scene photos daily until something is done.

    PS Love the tweet & that hammer!

  7. Smash is not returning next year

  8. To Steve Katzoutofthebag: Uh, yes it should.

    Love that Tweet of the Week.


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