
Monday, March 11, 2013

Erica Moore Defends Beating Her Son With An Electrical Cord For Engaging In Gay Sex Act

While not a parent myself, I can imagine that walking in on your child—your fifteen year old child—having sex in his room, would be pretty shocking. What I cannot comprehend, however, is the way Erica Moore handled the situation.

See, Moore was in bed one night when she decided check on her kids; the door to her son’s room was shut, and when she opened it she found him performing oral sex on his eighteen-year-old cousin. Like I said, I’d be pretty shocked.

But Moore took her shock out on her son: “I started whooping my son, and I’m the one who got in trouble as a result of me whooping him. When I walked in I saw my son, it was just disgusting to me, the way he was looking and my cousin was looking, and my cousin immediately ran out the door. And I’m just like what the?!? You know, is you serious? So that was my reaction because it disgusted me.”

Now, by ‘whooping’ her son, Moore meant that she took an electrical cord and began beating her son with it because she, ahem, doesn’t ‘believe’ in homosexuality.

Believe, Erica Moore, believe. Homosexuality is a real thing. You might not like The Gays, and you might not like that your son may or may not be gay, but believe it, The Gays are real.
“The police department told me that it was consensual, but they was committing a homosexual act in my house and we are totally against that. So I whooped my son and about three or four months later they came and arrested me for abuse.”—Erica Moore
Well, she was arrested for going too far in her little ‘whooping’. Her assault left her son bruised and bleeding on his boy’s thighs, forearms, hands, torso and back. And, naturally, because of her disgust for what her son had done, Moore didn’t even bother taking him to a hospital; his grandmother did that, and that’s when police became involved.

And where, ALLEGEDLY, it gets more revolting—although, keep in mind that this happened in Texas where The Gays are not liked very much at all. Erica Moore says the officer who interviewed her told her that he understood why she beat her son; in fact, he said he would have done more.
“Even that day when the police officer came out here, he told me out of his own mouth, ‘If it was me and I walked in on my child,’ he said, ‘parent to parent I probably would have shot him. I probably would have shot both of them.’ He said but with the law you can’t, you’re not allowed to put whoops on him. He said you can whoop him but you’re not allowed to leave any marks on him.”—Erica Moore
Now, in case you think Moore is an awful parent, she wants you to know that she would have beaten her daughter with an electrical cord, too, if she found her daughter having sex, of the hetero- or homosexual variety, in her home. So, she’s basically saying that she's an awful parent, to gay children and to straight children, if that makes anyone feel better.

Erica Moore is currently fighting charges of assault with bodily injury to a family member and could face prison time, though she still defends her rights to beat her child with an electrical cord: “I actually caught this going on in my house so how was I supposed to react to it? I supposed to just let it go? No! We was taught to discipline our kids and we whoop our kids.”

And then maybe go to prison, eh?

Now, as for that police officer who allegedly told Moore he would have shot his son had he found him engaged in a sex act with another male, Chief Dan Dennis, of the Forest Hill Police Department, says that never happened: 
“Miss Moore’s statement of the officer’s alleged inappropriate comments are simply untrue.  The conversation was recorded.  The officer’s conduct was entirely professional.  The Forest Hill Police Department does not discriminate against any citizen based on sexual orientation.”
Well, hopefully that’s true, because the last thing anyone needs to hear, from police officers, is that they have the right to shoot their child for being gay, or experimenting sexually.

Now, again, I am not a parent, but, if I were, I’d be more inclined to talk to my child about what they were doing and why. I’d be more inclined to make sure my child, if they were having sex, was careful, and protected. And because electrical cords are for lamps, not for disciplining a child.


  1. sad, especially after hearing what the officer said

  2. you just can't make this shit up. she SHOULD go to jail. period. abuse is abuse.

    (says the abuse survivor)

  3. So sad. Like that preacher who found the clinic to spank away the gay

  4. Being a parent... you never just walk in a child's room. You knock first. You model the behavior you expect. You never hit a child - modeling again - as honey, you can expect your child to whoop you or someone else when they are big enough. Please take the time to sit down with men (and women) in prison and listen to their childhood stories. A huge percentage of them experienced physical, emotional and sexual abuse, neglect and learning disabilities.
    Hopefully will get a chance to visit with some of these folks.

  5. If Erica Moore's motherly example is any indication, her son will have his day.

    "You need a license to catch a fish but not to be a parent." - DiatribesAndOvations

  6. Anonymous5:49 PM

    An electrical cord? If it were anyplace other than Texas, Child Protection Services would make sure she's childless. And rightfully so.

  7. I'm curious why the 18-year-old was not charged with statutory rape. Maybe under the statute it requires a boy-girl combination.

    Nevermind, I just looked it up. Under Texas law, the age of consent is 17 years, with an exception for a 3-year age difference if the victim and offender are OPPOSITE sexes. There does not appear to be an except for the case where the victim and offender are of the same sex. See Sec. 21.11 of the Texas Code.

    Damn Texas, yet another example of inequality between gays and straights.

  8. Hopefully, in prison, Erica Moore will get the help and therapy she needs. And I hope she does something stupid while in prison so they keep here there even longer.

  9. Lets not judge the cop. Erica Moore CLAIMS the cop said that. Until he admits that he did, or evidence comes forth that proves that he did, its hearsay. And hearsay isn't tolerated by courts, and hearsay isn't evidence.

  10. @Cookie
    The police chief says the encounter was recorded and his officer said none of the things Moore claims.

  11. I absolutely believe that the police office said he would have shot his son if he found him engaged in homosexual activity. Homophobia is still rampant in this country, contrary to the public "acceptance" of some gay celebrities coming out of the closet. Unfortunately, the only way for homophobia to disappear is for those narrow minded bigots to die off. They will never change. Only enforcing the laws against child abuse and criminal abuse will protect gays against these monsters.

  12. He wasn't charged with statutory rape and the policeman told the mother that it was consensual probably because Texas has a "Romeo and Juliet" statute. People think that the age of consent is a wall - it is not. New York for example, 14 or older can have sex with anyone up to and including 21, but no older. At 17 a New Yorker can have sex with anyone. Texas Age of consent is 17, IF there is more than a 3 year gap between the older and younger partner. In this case 15 - 18 -- there is a three year, not more than a three year gap -- it is therefore legal.

    Further, as oral sex is not going to create offspring (hetero or homosexual oral sex) most incest charges probably go out the window.

    No the person who was wrong in this case was the mother. The behavior was outrageous, and she should have gone to prison.


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